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1. Baoyin T, Li FY, Minggagud H, Bao Q, Zhong Y, 2015.Mowing succession of species composition is determined by plant growth forms, not photosynthetic pathways in Leymus chinensis grassland of Inner Mongolia. Landscape Ecology 30: 1795-1803

2. Dong Shaogang, Liu Baiwei, Shi Xiaolong(外), The spatial distribution and hydrogeological controls of fluoride in the confined and unconfined groundwater of Tuoketuo County, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China, Environment Earth Sciences, 2015, 74.

3. Fu Zhimin, Liu Jinying(学), Liu Qifeng, SPEEK/PVDF/PES Composite as Alternative Proton Exchange Membrane for Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries, Journal of Electronic Materials, 2015, 25(1).

4. Fu Zhimin, Zhao Ji, Impact of quinoline on activity and microbial culture of partial nitrification process, Bioresource Technology, 2015, 197.

5. Han F, Zhang Q, Buyantuev A, Niu J, Liu P, Li X, Kang S, Zhang J, Chang C, Li Y, 2015. Effects of climate change on phenology and primary productivity in the desert steppe of Inner Mongolia. Journal of Arid Land 7: 251-263.

6. He Jiang, Lv Changwei, Organic carbon fractions and estimation of organic carbon storage in the lake sediments in Inner Mongolia Plateau, China, Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015, 73(5).

7. Kang S, Ma W, Li FY, Zhang Q, Niu J, Ding Y, Han F, Sun X, 2015. Functional redundancy instead of species redundancy determines community stability in a typical steppe of Inner Mongolia. PLoS ONE, 10(12), e0145605.

8. Li Zhiyong, Ma Wenhong, Liang Cunzhu, Liu Zhongling, Long-term vegetation dynamics driven by climatic variations in the Inner Mongolia grassland: findings from 30-year monitoring. Landscape, Landscape Ecology, 2015, 30(9).

9. Liu DL, G O’Leary, Y Ma, A Cowie, FY Li, M McCaskill, M Conyers, R Dalal, F Robertson, W. Dougherty, 2015. Modelling soil organic carbon 2. Changes under a range of cropping and grazing farming systems in eastern Australia. Geoderma 265: 164-175.

10. Liu Dongwei, Jilili Abuduwaili(外), Wang Lixin, Salt dust storm in the Ebinur Lake region: its 50-year dynamic changes and response to climate changes and human activities, Natural Hazards, 2015, 77(2).

11. Liu Qifeng, Du Cong(学), Yang Ting(学), Fu Zhimin, Ammonia and phenol removal in an internal-circulate sequencing batch airlift reactor, Water Science & Technology, 2015, 72(1).

12. Liu Y, Wang L, Liu H, Wang W, Liang, C, Yang J, Verhoeven JTA, 2015. Comparison of carbon sequestration ability and effect of elevation in fenced wetland plant communities of the Xilin River floodplains: A model case study. River Research and Applications 31: 858–866.

13. Liu Yuhong(学),Wang Lixin, Liu Huamin, Wang Wei, Liang Cunzhu, Yang jie, J. T. A. Verhoeven(外), Comparison of carbon sequestration ability and effect of elevation in fenced wetland plant communities of the the Xilin River floodplains: a model case study, River Research and Applications, 2015, 31(7).

14. Lv Changwei, Distribution characteristics of organic phosphorus in sediments from Lake Hulun, China, Environmental Science: Processes & Impact, 2015, 17(1).

15. Lv Changwei, He Jiang, Environmental geochemistry of dissolved and biogenic silicon and its nutrient limitation effects in an inland lake, China, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22(14).

16. Mei Zhijian, Zhao Ling, Zhao Ji, Effect of the interactions between Pt species and ceria on Pt/ceria catalysts for water gas shift: The XPS studies, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 259.

17. O’Leary G, DL Liu, Y Ma, FY Li, M McCaskill, M Conyers, R Dalal, S Reeves, K Page, Y Dang, F Robertson, 2015. Modelling soil organic carbon 1. Performance of APSIM crop and pasture modules against long-term experimental data. Geoderma 264: 227–237.

18. Peng Jiangtao(学), Liang Cunzhu, Niu Yongmei(学), Jiang Wei(学), Wang Wei, Wang Lixin, Moderate grazing promotes genetic diversity of Stipa species, Landscape Ecology, 2015, 30(9).

19. Wang Wei, Liu Lina(学), Ma Yuzhen(外), He Jiang, Spatial distributions and environmental implications of diatom assemblages in surface sediments of Hulun Lake, China, Environment Earth Science, 2015, 74(1).

20. Wu J, Q Zhang, A Li, C Liang. 2015. Historical landscape dynamics of Inner Mongolia: patterns, drivers, and impacts. Landscape Ecology 30: 1579-1598.

21. Yan H, Liang C, Li Z, et al. 2015. Impact of precipitation patterns on biomass and species richness of annuals in a dry steppe. PloS ONE, 10(4).

22. Yang J,. Samuel A. Cushman*, Song X, Yang J, Zhang P, 2015. Genetic diversity and drivers of genetic differentiation of Reaumuria soongorica of the Inner Mongolia plateau in China. Plant Ecology 216:925–937.

23. Zhang Yixin, Wu Qian(外), Qiao Huimin(学), Zhang Zhilei(外), The spatio-temporal approach to regional analysis on cleaner production in China, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015, 52.

24. Zhao Renxin(外), Guo Wei, Wang Lixin, Zhao Ji, Zhang Jun, Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi affect the growth, nutrient uptake and water status of maize (Zea mays L.) grown in two types of coal mine spoils under drought stress, Applied Soil Ecology, 2015, 88.

25. Zhong L, Bowatte S, Newton P, Hoogendoorn C, Li FY, Wang Y, Luo D, 2015. Soil N cycling processes in a pasture after the cessation of grazing and CO2 enrichment. Geoderma 259-260: 62-70.

26. Zhong L, Hoogendoorn CJ, Bowatte S, Li FY, Wang Y, Luo D, 2015. Slope class and grazing intensity effects on microorganisims and nitrogen transformation processes responsible for nitrous oxide emissions from hill pastures. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 217: 70–78

27. 敖敦高娃,宝音陶格涛, 2015.不同时期放牧对典型草原群落地上生产力的影响,中国草地学报37(2):28-34。

28. 包姗姗,杨九艳,赵玲玲等. 2015.内蒙古高原小叶锦鸡儿与中间锦鸡儿遗传多样性的研究.西北植物学报35(10):1998-2006。

29. 陈晓江,杨劼,杜桂森,刘波. 2015.海子水库浮游植物功能群季节演替及其驱动因子.水资源保护6:122-127。

30. 党振华,秦晓春,王迎春*. 2015.珍稀泌盐植物长叶红砂(Reaumuria trigyna)愈伤组织诱导及增殖.中国沙漠35: 1262-1267。

31. 董建军,牛建明. 2015遥感与GIS实验课程教学改革研究决策与信息,93.

32. 董禄禄,秦晓春,党振华.2015.长叶红砂液泡膜Na+/H+逆向转运蛋白基因的克隆及表达特性.西北植物学报25: 2164-2170.

33. 都达古拉(学),何江,吕昌伟,呼伦湖水-沉积物系统中重金属的含量特征,农业环境科学学报,2015,34(1).

34. 郭伟,王立新,丛枝菌根真菌对不同含盐量湿地土壤中芦苇生长的影响,环境科学,2015,36(4).

35. 郝韵(学),于瑞宏,郝瑞英(学),杨欢(学),张宇瑾(学),张笑欣(学),水力侵蚀预测模型GeoWEPP研究进展,水利水电科技进展,2015,35(3).

36. 贺星,马文红,梁存柱,红梅,柴曦,赵巴音那木拉,张宇平,杨绍欢,张佳鑫,辛晓平2015.养分添加对内蒙古不同草地生态系统生物量的影响北京大学学报(自然科学版)51:657-666.

37. 侯德坤(学),何江,超声辅助萃取-分散液液微萃取/气相色谱法测定环境水样中六氯苯、林丹及硫丹,分析科学学报,2015,31(2).

38. 侯德坤(学),何江,加速溶剂萃取-气相色谱-串联质谱法测定松针中16种有机氯农药残留方法的中心组合设计优化,理化检验(化学分册),2015,51(8).

39. 黄奇,刘陟,周延林等. 2015.毛乌素沙地沙柳生物量估测模型研究,古天乐代言太阳集团138学报(自然科学版)。

40. 李靖宇(学),杜瑞芳(学),赵吉,乌梁素海富营养化湖泊湖滨湿地过渡带细菌群落结构的高通量分析,微生物学报,2015,55(5).

41. 刘东伟,王立新,师道尊严与研究生思想政治教育,大学教育,2015,5.

42. 刘东伟,伊塔娜(学),王立新,岳丹(学),干旱区盐碱尘暴的形成、输送及其环境效应,气象与环境学报,2015,31(3).

43. 刘立娜(学),王维,马玉贞(外),李岩岩(学),姜雅娟(学),何江,呼伦湖表层沉积物花粉空间分布特征及影响因素探讨,沉积学报,2015,33(4).

44. 刘庆福,刘洋,孙小丽,张雪峰,康萨如拉,丁勇,张庆,牛建明. 2015.气候假说对内蒙古草原群落物种多样性格局的解释.生物多样性23:, 463-470.

45. 刘陟,周延林*等, 2015.毛乌素沙地中间锦鸡儿生物量估测模型研究,干旱区资源与环境29:158-133。

46. 苗百岭,侯琼,梁存柱. 2015.基于GIS的阴山旱作区马铃薯种植,农业气候区划. 26(1):278-282。

47. 穆浩荣(学),张玲玲(学),白淑琴,稻壳制备介孔状二氧化硅的光催化性,环境工程学报,2015,9(9).

48. 宁鲁静,程凯利,盛钰平,赵利清,张铁军. 2015.乳白花黄耆(豆科)的一些新异名.西北植物学报35(4):0837-0841。

49. 任海娟,董建军,李晓媛,牛建明,张雪峰. 2015.利用多时相Landsat8图像提取苜蓿人工草地信息.中国草地学报, 37(2), 81-87。

50. 尚辰蔚,何欣,张雪峰,张庆,董建军,张靖,牛建明. 2015.典型草原家庭牧场自然禀赋特征及其分异.古天乐代言太阳集团138学报(自然科学版), 46(4), 418-424。

51. 石俊仙,Study on Hexavalent Chtomium-Contaminated Water Removal Using Modified Pyrite and Pyrrhotite,论文集,2015.

52. 石俊仙,赵文岩,矿山铁的硫化物矿物处理皮革厂含铬废水的研究,岩石矿物学杂志,2015,34(6).

53. 苏力德,杨劼,万志强,谷蕊,闫玉龙,高清竹. 2015.内蒙古地区草地类型分布格局变化及气候原因分析.中国农业气象,2:139-148。

54. 孙小丽,康萨如拉,张庆,常昌明,马文静,牛建明. 2015.荒漠草原物种多样性、生产力与气候因子和土壤养分之间关系的研究.草业学报(12), 10-19。

55. 王川,胡兴茹(外),温璐,稻壳灰在陶粒烧制中的应用,环境工程学报,2015,9(8).

56. 王乐,赵利清,陈育,裴志丽. 2015.西鄂尔多斯草原化荒漠植物群落多样性.干旱区研究,32(2):258-265。

57. 王伟颖(学),吕昌伟,湖泊水-沉积物界面DIC和DOC交换通量及耦合关系,环境科学,2015,36(10).

58. 王鑫厅,王炜,梁存柱,刘钟龄. 2015.从正相互作用角度诠释过度放牧引起的草原退化.科学通报( 28-29 ):2794-2799。

59. 温璐,王立新,环境影响评价课程教学改革模式探讨,高校环境类课程教学系列报告会论文集(2015),2015.

60. 乌哲斯古楞,刘树敏,宋炳煜,杨九艳. 2015.大针茅光合及水分生理生态特征研究.古天乐代言太阳集团138学报(自然科学版),2015, 46(3):262-269。

61. 希尼尼根(外),于景丽,赵吉,我国不同地区奶牛乳房炎病原菌群落多样性特征,微生物前沿,2015,4(1).

62. 颜道浩(学),吕昌伟,湖泊水-沉积物界面SiO3-Si交换通量研究,农业环境科学学报,2015,34(12).

63. 杨欢(学),于瑞宏,郝瑞英(学),郝韵(学),张宇瑾(学),河口潮汐栖息地生态恢复新技术CRT原理与应用——以比利时Schelde河口为例,海洋工程,2015,33(2).

64. 杨九艳,宋雪梅(学),清华,内蒙古高原荒漠区红砂的ISSR遗传多样性研究,古天乐代言太阳集团138学报(自然科学版),2015,46(2).

65. 杨九艳,宋雪梅,清华. 2015.内蒙古高原荒漠区红砂的ISSR遗传多样性研究.古天乐代言太阳集团138学报(自然科学版),2015, 46(2):183-190。

66. 于波(学),何江,基于水生植物分区的湖泊DOM与重金属离子的结合特性研究,农业环境科学学报,2015,34(12).

67. 于景丽,希尼尼根(外),赵吉,宏基因组技术及其在奶牛乳房炎诊断中的应用,中国预防兽医学报,2015,37(6).

68. 岳丹(学),刘东伟,王立新,伊塔娜(学),基于NDVI的乌梁素海湿地植被变化,干旱区研究,2015,32(2).

69. 张庆,牛建明(著)2015.短花针茅草原生物多样性古天乐代言太阳集团138出版社,呼和浩特。

70. 张瑞卿,吴丰昌(外),组织残留法在水生生物基准中的应用概述,生态毒理学报,2015,10(1).

71. 张雪峰,牛建明*,张庆,董建军,张靖. 2015.内蒙古锡林河流域草地生态系统土壤保持功能及其空间分布.草业学报, 24(1), 12-20。

72. 赵婧,何娟娟,辛霞,卢新雄,周延林, 2015.两种大豆同名品种鉴别方法的对比,大豆科学34(3):531-535。

73. 赵利清(讲) 2015.神奇的蒙古高原-国家级公开课(视频)。

74. 赵文若,李海波,王秋竹,呼格吉勒图(著)2015.农业生态学,延边大学出版社

75. 朱媛君(学),杨劼,万俊华(外),张璞进(外),牛明丽(学),赵利清,清华,毛乌素沙地丘间低地主要植物叶片性状及其相互关系,中国沙漠,2015,35(6).

76. 朱媛君,杨劼,万俊华,张璞进,牛明丽,赵利清,清华. 2015.毛乌素沙地丘间低地主要植物叶片性状及其相互关系.中国沙漠6:1496-1504。

77. 左乐(学),吕昌伟,微生物对冰封期湖泊沉积物中有机磷降解释放的影响,环境科学,2015,36(12).