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1. Bai Shuqin, Gaowa Naren(外), Mitihiro Nakano(外), Yoshihiro Okaue(外), Takushi Yokoyama(外), Effect of polysilicic acid on the precipitation of calcium carbonate, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 2014, 445.

2. Bai Shuqin, Mu Haorong(学), Gaowa Naren(外), Yoshihiro Okaue(外), Takushi Yokoyama(外), Kinetic study of silica dissolution in aqueous solutions of aromatic organic electrolytes, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 2014, 461.

3. Bai XL, 2014. A new species record and range extension of two species of Barbula in China Cryptogamie, Bryologie, 35(3).

4. Bai XL, 2014. Bryoerythrophyllum neimonggolicum X.-L.Bai & C.Feng (Pottiaceae), a new species from Inner Mongolia, China.Journal of Bryology,36 (1).

5. Bai XL, 2014. Morphology and taxonomy of leaf papillae and mammillae in Pottiaceae of China. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 52(4).

6. Bao YY, 2014. Spatio-temporal dynamics of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with glomalin- related soil protein and soil enzymes in different managed semiarid steppes. Mycorrhiza. 2014,24(7).

7. Bao Zhihua, Analysis of variations in band positions for normalization in across-gel denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, Journal of Microbiological Methods, 2014, 112(1).

8. Baoyin T, Li FY, Bao Q, Minggagud H, Zhong Y, 2014. Effects of mowing regimes and climate variability on hay production of Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvelev grassland in northern China. The Rangeland Journal 36:593-600.

9. Dan ZH et al. 2014. Identification of salt stress induced genes from the RNA-Seq data of Reaumuria trigyna using differential display reverse transcription PCR International journal of genomics.

10. Ding Lei(学), Liu Dongwei, Wang Lixin, The land use and land cover change analysis of Wuliangsu Lake, Advanced Materials Research, 2014.

11. Dong Shaogang, Liu Baiwei, Liu Huamin, Wang Shidong(外), Wang Lixin, Impacts of Groundwater Recharge from Rubber Dams on the Hydrogeological Environment in Luoyang Basin, China, Scientific World Journal, 2014.

12. Du Ruifang(学), Li Jingyu(学), Li Jian(学), Zhao Ji, Application of bioinformatics in microbial ecology, Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 955-959.

13. Feng C. 2014. Grimmia grevenii (Grimmiaceae), a new species from the Wudalianchi volcanoes in northeast China and its comparison with G. maido and G. longirostris . The Bryologist. 2014, 117(1).

14. Gao Xiaoning(学), Yin Xuefeng, Xue Huimin(学), Li Yuan(学), Comparison of chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling and chemical-looping combustion technology reaction mechanism, Advanced Materials Research, 2014.

15. Guo Wei, Wang Lixin, Zhao Jun, Contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to the development of maize (zea mays L.) grown in three types of coal mine spoils, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2014, 21(5).

16. Hao Yun(学), Yu Ruihong, The relationship of chlorophyll-a, total nitrogen and total phosphorus in Wuliangsuhai lake, Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 955-959.

17. Holzworth DP, Huth NI, Li FY, Keating BA, 2014. APSIM - Evolution towards a new generation of agricultural systems simulation. Environmental Modelling & Software62:327–350.

18. Hou Dekun(学), He Jiang, Spatial variations and distributions of phosphorus and nitrogen in bottom sediments from a typical north-temperate lake, China, Environmental Earth Sciences, 2014, 71(7).

19. Li Fuzhen(学), Liu Qifeng, Yan Shaohui(学), Zhao Jingjing(学), Fan Bingqian(学), Feng Haibo(学), Cao Weiwei(学), A review of hybrid process to treat coal gasification wastewater, Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 955-959.

20. Li FY, PCD Newton, M Lieffering, 2014. Testing simulations of intra- and inter-annual variation of the plant production response to elevated CO2 from a 11-year FACE experiment on grazed pasture. Global Change Biology 20:228-239.

21. Li FY, Whalley RDB, 2014. Introduction to the Special issue of The Rangeland Journal on ‘Social and ecological aspects of grassland use in northern China: implications for adaptation to climate change’. The Rangeland Journal 36: i-ii.

22. Li X, Sun K, Li FY, 2014. Variation in leaf nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry in a nitrogen-fixing plant sea-buckthorn (Hippophaer hamnoides L. subsp. sinensis Rousi) across northern China. Ecological Research 29: 723-731.

23. Liang CZ, et al., 2014. Balance between facilitation and competition determines spatial patterns in a plant population. Chinese Science Bulletin, 59(13)

24. Liu HM, et al., 2014. Impacts of Groundwater Recharge from Rubber Dams on the Hydrogeological Environment in Luoyang Basin, China. Scientific World Journal

25. Liu Jianli(学), Wu Linhui, Zhao Ji, Advances in the research of methanotroph in wetland, Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 955-959.

26. Liu Yuhong(学), Wang Lixin, Bao Shumei(学), Effects of Different Vegetation Zones on CH4 and N2O Emissions in Coastal Wetlands: A Model Case Study, Scientific World Journal, 2014(4).

27. Mei Zhijian, The effect of nitrogen doping on mercury oxidation/chemical adsorption on the CuCo2O4 (110) surface: a molecular-level description, Phys.Chem., 2014, 16(1).

28. Mei Zhijian, The effects of bimetallic Co-Ru nanoparticles on Co/RuO2/Al2O3 catalysts for the water gas shift and methanation, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39(1).

29. Newton PCD, Lieffering M, Li FY, Ganesh S, Dodd M, 2014. Detection of historical changes in pasture growth and attribution to climate change. Climate Research 61:203-214.

30. Niu JM et al., 2014. Human induced dryland degradation in Ordos Plateau, China, revealed by multilevel statistical modeling of normalized difference vegetation index and rainfall time-series. Journal of Arid Land, 6(2).

31. Niu JM, et al., 2014. A muavel analysis of effects of land use policy on land-cover change and local land use decisions Journal of Arid Environments.

32. Niu JM, et al., 2014. Effect of mining landscape history on local species diversity: a case study of the Yimin open-pit coal mine in Inner Mongolia. Biodiversity Science, 22(2).

33. Qiao Huimin(学), Zhang Yixin, Yang Yanxia(学), Enlightenments from Spatial and Industrial Distribution of Cleaner Production in China, Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 955-959.

34. Thomas RG, Li FY, HayMJM, 2014. Differential bud activation by a net positive root signal explains branching phenotype in prostrate clonal herbs: a model. Journal of Experimental Botany 65: 673–682.

35. Wan LX, et al., 2014. Soil Characteristic Comparison of Fenced and Grazed Riparian Floodplain Wetlands in the Typical Steppe REgion of the Inner Mongolian Plateau, China. Scientific World Journal.

36. Wang Lixin, Liu Huamin, Liu Yuhong(外), Soil Characteristic Comparison of Fenced and Grazed Riparian Floodplain Wetlands in the Typical Steppe Region of the Inner Mongolian Plateau, China, Scientific World Journal, 2014(5).

37. Wu Linhui, Liu Jianli(学), Zeng Jing(学), Zhao Ji, Comparison of DNA extraction and purification methods from different, Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 955-959.

38. Wu Linhui, Liu Jianli(学), Zhao Ji, Pyrosequencing-Based Assessment of Bacterial Community Structure in Wuliangsuhai Wetland, Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 955-959.

39. Wu Xiaotong, Shao Yuqin, Vertical Distributions in Number of Soil Microorganismin with Caragana in the Hobq of Inner Mongolia, Advances in technologies, 2014, 955-959.

40. Xie Zhilei(学), He Jiang, Organic carbon fractions and estimation of organic carbon storage in the lake sediments in Inner Mongolia Plateau, China, Environmental Earth Sciences, 2014.

41. Yan Shaohui(学), Liu Qifeng, Li Fuzhen(学), Zhao Jingjing(学), Yan Bilong(外), Effects of membrane fouling in A2O-MBR system during coking wastewater treatment, Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 955-959.

42. Yang Huan(学), Yu Ruihong, Assessment of Eutrophication in Wuliangsuhai Lake, Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 955-959.

43. Yang Yanxia(学), Zhang Yixin, Qiao Huimin(学), The Sustainability of Ecological Compensation in Inner Mongolia-Regional Management Based on Regional Characteristics, Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 955-959.

44. Yitana(学), Wang Lixin, Liu Huamin, Zhuo Yi, The land desertification change of Wuliangsu Lake, Advanced Materials Research, 2014.

45. Zhang Q, Hou X, Li FY, Niu J, Zhou Y, Ding Y, Zhao L, Li X, Ma W, Kang S, 2014. Alpha, beta and gamma diversity differ in response to precipitation in the Inner Mongolia grassland. PLoS One 9: doi:10.1371/journal.pone.

46. Zhang Q. et al., 2014. Grazing primarily drives the relative abundance change of C4 plants in the typical steppe grasslands across households at a regional scale The Rangeland Journal, 36 (6).

47. Zhang Ruiqing, Toxicity Reference Values for Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers: Risk Assessment for Predatory Birds and Mammals from Two Chinese Lakes, Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2014, 229.

48. Zhang Yixin, Wu Qian(外), Zhou Changbo(外), A Time-Geographical Approach to Biogas Potential Analysis of China, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2014, 37.

49. Zhang Yujin(学), Yu Ruihong, Rainfall time distribution over the Wuliangsuhai eastern river basin, Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 955-959.

50. Zhao DP, et al., 2014. Didymodon baii (Pottiaceae), a new moss species from China. Annales Botanici Fennici, 51(3).

51. Zhao DP., et al., 2014. The rare moss Acaulon schimperianum (Pottiaceae) in East Asia Telopea, 16.

52. Zhao Jingjing(学), Liu Qifeng, Wang Jun(外), Yan Shaohui(学), Li Fuzhen(学), Fan Bingqian(学), Feng Haibo(学), Cao Weiwei(学), A review of hybrid process to treat coking wastewater, Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 955-959.

53. Zhao LQ, et al., 2014. Chrysanthemum zhuozishanense (Compositae), a new species from Inner Mongolia, China. Novon (Missuri Botanical Gaeden), 23(2)

54. Zhong L, Du R, Ding K, Li FY, Bowatte S, Hoogendoorn C, Wang YF, Rui YC, Jiang LL, 2014. Effects of grazing on abundance of nitrifying and denitrifying microbial communities, and N2O production potential in meadow-steppe grassland in Northern China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 69:1-10.

55. Zhuo Yi, Bao Yuhai(外), Liu Guixiang(外), Characteristics of Drought Disaster Frequency of China in Last 50 Years Based on the Drought Index SPI,Information Technology for Risk Analysis and Crisisresponse /Advances in Intelligent Systems Research, 2014.

56. 敖顿高,宝音陶格涛,2014,不同时期放牧对典型草原群落地上生产力的影响,中国草地学报,37(2).

57. 奥海玮,谢应忠,李永宏,2014,APSIM苜蓿模型在宁夏半干旱地区的适应性,中国草地学报,22: 535-541.

58. 白学良,2014,缺齿藓(真藓科)的形态特征和地理新分布,西北植物学报,34(4).

59. 包菡(学),王立新,清华,段永祥(学),刘东伟,卓义,刘华民,乌粱素海湖滨带植物生态化学计量学研究,古天乐代言太阳集团138学报.自然科学版,2014,45(4).

60. 包青海,2014,乌拉盖贺场转变生产经营纯洁蓝天绿地,锡林郭勒日报,2014年7月7日.

61. 包玉英,2014,不同复垦方式对黑岱沟露天矿排土场土壤有机碳的影响,安全与环境科学,14(2).

62. 包玉英,2014,不同复垦方式煤矿排土场植物群落与土壤因子的关系,西北植物学报,34(3).

63. 包玉英,2014,菌剂与肥料配施对露天矿排土场苜蓿生长及土壤养分含量的影响,华北农学报,29(4).

64. 宝音陶格涛,2014,黄花苜蓿根系生长特征研究,中国草地学报,36(1).

65. 柴曦,梁存柱,2014,内蒙古草甸草原与典型草原地下生物量与生产力季节动态及其碳库潜力,生态学报,34(19).

66. 柴曦(学),梁存柱,李智勇,王炜,王立新,内蒙古草甸草原与典型草原地下生物量与,生态学报,2014,34(19).

67. 潮洛濛,2014,人为干扰对乌海市四合木小灌木景观的影响,中国草地学报,3

68. 陈敏,野生和人工种群多枝柽柳的传粉生物学比较,生态学杂志,33(12).

69. 陈育(学),杨劼,清华,张璞进(外),赵利清,张雷(外),西鄂尔多斯半日花(Helianthemum soongoricum)种群结构和点格局分析,中国沙漠,2014,34(1).

70. 陈育,杨劼,2014,西鄂尔多斯半日花(Helianthemum soongoricum)种群结构和点格局分析,中国沙漠,34(1).

71. 丁勇,牛建明,2014,牧户分布格局的时空动态分析—以内蒙古白音锡勒牧场黄花树特为例,草地学报(6).

72. 杜瑞芳(学),赵吉,李靖宇(学),乌梁素海湖滨湿地细菌群落结构多样性,微生物学报,2014,54(10).

73. 郭伟,张君,稀土开发导致的环境问题及土壤稀土污染治理措施初探,安全与环境学报,2014,14(5).

74. 郭伟,张君,稀土元素对土壤—植物系统中重金属行为的影响及其机理研究进展,土壤通报,2014,45(2).

75. 侯德坤(学),何江,分散液-液微萃取技术在污染物分析中的应用,分析测试学报,2014,33(5).

76. 姜威,梁存柱,2014,内蒙古草原三个优势针茅种群的自交繁殖能力研究,古天乐代言太阳集团138学报(自然科学版),45(5).

77. 姜雅娟(学),王维,马玉贞(外),刘立娜(学),何江,内蒙古鄂尔多斯高原泊江海子全新世气候变化初步研究,第四纪研究,2014,34(3).

78. 康萨如拉,牛建明,2014,草原区矿产开发对景观格局和初级生产力的影响——以黑岱沟露天煤矿为例,生态学报,34(11).

79. 康萨如拉,张庆,2014,景观历史对物种多样性的影响:以内蒙古伊敏露天煤矿为例,生物多样性,22(2).

80. 李靖宇(学),杜瑞芳(学),武琳慧,于景丽,许继飞,赵吉,乌梁素海湖泊湿地过渡带氨氧化细菌群落,生态学杂志,2014,33(7).

81. 李强,2014,不同围封年限对退化大针茅草原生产力和土壤碳、氮贮量的影响,生态学杂志,33(4).

82. 李晓光(学),刘华民,王立新,卓义,鄂尔多斯高原植被覆盖变化及其与气候和人类活动的关系,中国农业气象,2014,35(4).

83. 李晓光,,刘华民,2014,鄂尔多斯高原植被覆盖变化及其与气候和人类活动的关系,中国农业气象,35(4).

84. 李云飞(学),何江,达里诺尔湖表层沉积物中Hg、As的形态分布及释放特性,农业环境科学学报,2014,33(11).

85. 刘东伟,吉力力·阿不都外力(外),王立新,艾比湖地区盐尘的沉积通量及其物质组成,冰川冻土,2014,36(2).

86. 刘鹏涛,牛建明,2014,应用多平台与多时相卫星遥感图像评价草地退化,中国草地学报,36(5).

87. 刘崎峰,刁遗植物四合木(Tetraena mongolica)异地保护条件下的气候生物学特征与光合效率,中国沙漠,2014,34(1).

88. 楠定其其格(学),何江,岱海沉积物中AVS-SEM分布特征及重金属生物有效性研究,农业环境科学学报,2014,33(1).

89. 牛建明,2014,景观历史对物种多样性的影响:以内蒙古伊敏露天煤矿为例,生物多样性,22(2) .

90. 牛建明,2014,赛罕乌拉国家级自然保护区不同植被类型水源涵养服务特征,干旱区研究,31(3).

91. 牛建明,2014,锡林河流域近30年草原植被格局动态及驱动力分析,中国草地学报,36(2).

92. 牛建明,2014,整合多功能景观和生态系统服务的景观服务制图研究框架,古天乐代言太阳集团138学报(自然科学版),45(3).

93. 牛建明,2014,政策因素对局地家庭土地利用决策的影响——以乌审旗为例,干旱区研究,31(2).

94. 秦洁,2014,退化草地大针茅根系特征对氮素添加的响应,草业学报,23(5).

95. 秦洁,2014,糙隐子草根系特征对氮素添加梯度的响应,大连民族学院学报,16(1).

96. 萨茹拉,白学良,2014,中国内蒙古缨齿藓属(紫萼藓科)1新变种—缨齿藓菱形变种,西北植物学报,34(7).

97. 史昊先(学),高晓霞(学),于景丽,赵吉,外源氮添加对湿地土壤N2O排放量的影响,农业资源与环境学报,2014,31(5).

98. 宋雪梅,杨九艳,2014,破碎化生境对红砂meta-种群遗传多样性的影响,中国草地学报,36(6)

99. 田海芬,刘华民,2014,大青山山地植物区系及生物多样性研究,干旱区资源与环境,5(8).

100. 万志强,杨九艳,2014,西鄂尔多斯绵刺(Potaninia mongolica)和短脚锦鸡儿(Caragana brachypoda)根系特征对土壤水分的响应,古天乐代言太阳集团138学报(自然科学版),45(5).

101. 王海娟,包玉英,2014,菌剂与肥料配施与露天矿排土场土壤养分含量及紫花苜蓿生长的影响,华北农学报(5).

102. 王立新,刘华民,2014,河流景观生态学概念、理论基础与研究重点,湿地科学,12(2).

103. 王立新,刘华民,刘玉虹(外),梁存柱,王炜,刘东伟,Friedrich Recknagel(外),河流景观生态学概念、理论基础与研究重点,湿地科学,2014,12(2).

104. 王立新,赵吉,贾志斌,李笑春,刘华民,以人才培养为核心,提升环境科学与工程学科整体水平,大学教育,2014(4).

105. 王平平,2014,刈割对驼绒藜光合及水分生理状况的影响,中国草地学报,36(4).

106. 王世东,刘华民,2014,锡林河河漫滩湿地植物群落特征及物种多样性分析,湖南生态科学学报,1(2).

107. 王同智,包玉英,2014,AM真菌对濒危物种四合木及近缘种霸王抗旱性的影响,华北农学报,29(3).

108. 王钰,宝音陶格涛,2014,荒漠草原沙生针茅群落组成及其地上生物量研究,中国草地学报,36(3)

109. 武琳慧,邵玉琴,鲁槚银(学),曹伟伟(学),赵吉,乌梁素海湿地过渡带土壤微生物类群数量与分布特征,农业环境科学学报,2014,33(4).

110. 徐鹏雁,牛建明,2014,呼和浩特市不同土地利用/覆盖类型对杨树春季物候的影响,生态学报,34(20).

111. 杨波,宝音陶格涛,2014,退化羊草草原轻耙处理后30年植物群落恢复演替规律研究,中国草地学报,36(2).

112. 杨持,2014,忆李博院士,草原与草业4.

113. 尹建华(学),杨劼,宋炳煜,清华,王平平(学),陈宇琪(学),刈割对大针茅表型特征、生长和生物量的影响,中国草地学报,2014,36(5).

114. 尹建华,包铁军,2014,黄土丘陵沟壑区中间锦鸡儿的生长特征,古天乐代言太阳集团138学报(自然科学版),45(5).

115. 尹建华,杨劼,2014,刈割对大针茅表型特征、生长和生物量的影响,中国草地学报,36(5).

116. 尹雪峰,赵吉,张一心,王立新,贾志斌,李媛(学),内蒙古地区中小养殖场畜禽粪便再利用与再资源化现状与策略,生态经济,2014,30(9).

117. 于景丽,史昊先(学),高晓霞(学),范雅慧(学),李凌宇(学),高飞龙(学),赵吉,半干旱区湿地土壤氧化亚氮排放对外源氮添加的响应,2014中国环境科学学会学术年会论文集,2014.

118. 于景丽,赵吉,范雅慧(学),高晓霞(学),史昊先(学),高通量技术解析锡林河底泥反硝化菌群组成及丰度,微生物前沿,2014,3(3).

119. 张彩霞,刘华民,2014,乌审旗气候变化与农牧业生产之间的关系,古天乐代言太阳集团138学报(自然科学版),45(6).

120. 张芳(学),穆浩荣(学),郭慧芳(学),白淑琴,利用浊度分析法研究硅酸对磷酸钙沉淀的影响,环境科学学报,2014,34(9).

121. 张福金(学),何江,作物根系对土壤中老化HCH-DDT的富集作用,农业环境科学学报,2014,33(7).

122. 张红霞,白学良,2014,纽藓属(丛藓科)中国新记录——节叶纽藓,西北植物学报,34(9).

123. 张红霞,白学良,2014,缺齿藓(真藓科)的形态特征和地理新分布,西北植物学报,34(4).

124. 张经国(学),王炜,裴浩(学),王立新,梁存柱,刘东伟,刘华民,乌梁素海沉积物沉积速率与粒度特征研究,古天乐代言太阳集团138学报.自然科学版,2014,45(6).

125. 张婷瑜(学),张福金(学),何江,壬基酚的土壤残留及其行为研究进展,农业资源与环境学报,2014,31(2).

126. 张熙灵(学),王立新,刘华民,清华,刘东伟,王炜,梁存柱,Friedrich Recknagel(外),芦苇、香蒲和藨草3种挺水植物的养分吸收动力学,生态学报,2014,34(9).

127. 张熙灵(学),王立新,刘华民,清华,刘东伟,王炜,梁存柱,芦苇和藨草对不同程度富营养化水体的净化效果研究,环境科学与技术,2014,37(2).

128. 张一心,乔慧敏(学),吴婧(外),施旻敏(外),中国环境影响评价教学的改革建议——以欧洲环境影响评价课程体系为借鉴,高校环境类课程教学系列报告会(2014)论文集,2014.

129. 张一心,赵吉,王立新,马文红,梁存柱,吴婧(外),不同管理措施下内蒙古草地碳汇潜势分析,古天乐代言太阳集团138学报—自然科学版,2014,45(3).

130. 赵东平,2014,中国球藓属(丛藓科)植物分布新资料,西北植物学报,34(3).

131. 赵鸿哲(学),王炜,王立新,刘华民,清华,刘东伟,浮床蔬菜的筛选及其对富营养水体治理效果的模拟研究,古天乐代言太阳集团138学报.自然科学版,2014,45(4).

132. 赵鸿哲,王炜,2014浮床蔬菜的筛选及其对富营养水体治理效果的模拟研究,古天乐代言太阳集团138学报(自然科学版),45(4).

133. 赵康,2014,季节性放牧利用对典型草原群落生产力的影响,中国草地学报,36(1).

134. 赵利清,2014,内蒙古维管植物新资料,西北植物学报,34(2).

135. 赵利清,2014,内蒙古被子植物新记录,西北植物学报,34(3).

136. 赵娜(学),庄洋(学),赵吉,放牧和补播对草地土壤有机碳和微生物量碳的影响,草业科学,2014,31(3).

137. 智颖飙,杨持,2014,孑遗植物四合木(Tetraena mongolica)异地保护条件下的气候生物学特征与光合效率,中国沙漠,34(1).

138. 周海军(学),团良(外),石艳菊(外),何江,焦化废水中多环芳烃的成分谱及污染特征,中国环境监测,2014,30(2).

139. 周延林,2014,毛乌素沙地油蒿生物量估测模型研究,中国草地学报,36(4).