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(1)    主持:中国科学院战略性先导科技专项:内蒙古高原和东北草地多要素系统观测(XDA26010101-2) 2021-2025

(2)    主持:国家自然科学基金 (地区):氮沉降对退化草地的植物-植食性昆虫关系的影响(31960259)2020/01-2023/12

(3)    主持:内蒙古自然科学基金:氮沉降对温带草原植物和土壤动物多样性的影响机制(2019MS03089):2019/09-2021/12

(4)    主持:科技基础性工作专项:我国主要灌丛植物群落调查子课题内蒙古灌丛植物群落调查(2015FY1103003-5)2015/05-2020/04

(5)    主持:国家自然科学基金 (面上):人类活动对内蒙古温性草原生物多样性与多生态系统功能的影响(31370454)2014/01-2017/12

(6)    主持:国家自然科学基金 (地区):基于不同方法对内蒙古草地土壤有机碳库动态变化的研究(31160119)2012/01-2015/12

(7)    主持:中国科学院战略性先导科技专项:内蒙古灌丛生态系统碳汇研(XDA05050301-3) 2011/01-2015/12

(8)    主持:内蒙古自然科学基金:内蒙古草地碳源/汇的时空变化及其控制机制(2010MS0520)2010/01-2012/12

(9)    主持:国家自然科学基金 (青年):温带草地个体与群落水平的生物量分配及其环境控制(30700090)2008/01-2010/12

(10) 主持:内蒙古低碳发展中心:内蒙古草地碳汇研究,2021/08/2021/12

(11) 参加:内蒙古自治区重大专项:内蒙古生物多样性监测、评估与预警技术研究(2021ZD00112021/07-2024/06

(12) 参加:内蒙古科技计划项目:内蒙古主要草原类型固碳减排关键技术集成与示范,2019/08-2021/12

(13) 参加:内蒙古自治区重大基础研究开放课题:蒙古高原草原生态系统时空格局与生态过程研究,2015/12-2017/12


(1)    Cheng, J., W. Ma*, B. Hao, X. Liu, and F. Y. Li*. 2021. Divergent responses of nematodes in plant litter versus in top soil layer to nitrogen addition in a semi-arid grassland. Applied Soil Ecology 157. 103719.

(2)    Wang, Y., X. Niu, L. Zhao, C. Liang, B. Miao, Q. Zhang, J. Zhang, B. Schmid*, and W. Ma(*). 2020. Biotic stability mechanisms in Inner Mongolian grassland: Biotic stability mechanisms in grassland. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 287. 20200675.

(3)    Shi, Y., C. Su, M. Wang, X. Liu, C. Liang, L. Zhao, X. Zhang, H. Minggagud, G. Feng*, and W. Ma.* 2020. Modern Climate and Soil Properties Explain Functional Structure Better Than Phylogenetic Structure of Plant Communities in Northern China. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8:1–8.

(4)    Wang, C., F. Ren, X. Zhou, W. Ma, C. Liang, J. Wang, J. Cheng, and H. Zhou. 2020a. Variations in the nitrogen saturation threshold of soil respiration in grassland ecosystems. Biogeochemistry 148:311–324.

(5)    Liu, Y., W. Ma(#), D. Kou, X. Niu, T. Wang, Y. Chen, D. Chen, X. Zhu, M. Zhao, B. Hao, J. Zhang, Y. Yang, and H. Hu. 2020. A comparison of patterns of microbial C:N:P stoichiometry between topsoil and subsoil along an aridity gradient. Biogeosciences 17:2009–2019.

(6)    熊星烁, 蔡宏宇, 李耀琪, 马文红, 牛克昌, 陈迪马, 刘娜娜, 苏香燕, 景鹤影, 冯晓娟, 曾辉, and 王志恒. 2020. 内蒙古典型草原植物叶片碳氮磷化学计量特征的 季节动态. 植物生态学报 44:1138–1153.

(7)    Chen, X., B. Hao, X. Jing, J.-S. He, W. Ma, and B. Zhu. 2019. Minor responses of soil microbial biomass, community structure and enzyme activities to nitrogen and phosphorus addition in three grassland ecosystems. Plant and Soil 444.(1-2): 21-37.

(8)    Guo, Y., C. Schöb, W. Ma, A. Mohammat, H. Liu, S. Yu, Y. Jiang, B. Schmid, and Z. Tang. 2019. Increasing water availability and facilitation weaken biodiversity–biomass relationships in shrublands. Ecology 100. e02624.

(9)    Liu, N., H. Hu, W. Ma, Y. Deng, Y. Liu, B. Hao, X. Zhang, D. Dimitrov, X. Feng, and Z. Wang. 2019. Contrasting biogeographic patterns of bacterial and archaeal diversity in the top- And subsoils of temperate grasslands. mSystems 4.

(10) 赵梦颖, 孙威, 罗永开, 梁存柱, 李智勇, 沈海花, 牛霞霞, 郑成洋, 胡会峰(*, and 马文红(*). 2019. 内蒙古 26 种常见温带灌木的生物量模型. 干旱区研究 36:1219–1228.

(11) Kou, D., W. Ma(#), J. Ding, B. Zhang, K. Fang, H. Hu, J. Yu, T. Wang, S. Qin, X. Zhao, J. Fang, and Y. Yang. 2018. Dryland soils in northern China sequester carbon during the early 2000s warming hiatus period. Functional Ecology 32:1620–1630.

(12) Tang, Z., W. Xu, G. Zhou, Y. Bai, J. Li, X. Tang, D. Chen, Q. Liu, W. Ma, G. Xiong, H. He, N. He, Y. Guo, Q. Guo, J. Zhu, W. Han, H. Hu, J. Fang, and Z. Xie. 2018. Patterns of plant carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus concentration in relation to productivity in China’s terrestrial ecosystems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115:4033–4038.

(13) 程建伟, 郝百惠, 刘新民, 马文红(*), and 李永宏. 2018. 氮添加对内蒙古典型草原土壤动物的影响. 草业科学 35:1254–1265.

(14) 苏闯, 张芯毓, 马文红(*), 赵利清, and 梁存柱. 2018. 贺兰山灌丛群落物种多样性海拔格局及环境解释. 山地学报 36:699–708.

(15) 苏闯, 马文红(*), 张芯毓, 苏云, 闵永恩, 张晋元, 赵利清, and 梁存柱. 2018. 贺兰山西坡主要山地灌丛群落的基本特征. 植物生态学报 42:1050–1054.

(16) Geng, Y., W. Ma, L. Wang, F. Baumann, P. Kühn, T. Scholten, and J. S. He. 2017. Linking above- and belowground traits to soil and climate variables: an integrated database on China’s grassland species. Ecology 98:1471.

(17) 程建伟, 刘新民, 郝百惠, 张芯毓, 张宇平, and 马文红(*). 2017. 氮沉降对内蒙古典型草原地表节肢动物的影响. 生态学杂志 36:2235–2245.

(18) Li, Z., W. Ma(*), C. Liang, Z. Liu, W. Wang, and L. Wang. 2015. Long-term vegetation dynamics driven by climatic variations in the Inner Mongolia grassland: findings from 30-year monitoring. Landscape Ecology 30:1701–1711.

(19) 贺星, 马文红(*), 梁存柱, 红梅, 柴曦, 赵巴音那木拉, 张宇平, 杨绍欢, 张佳鑫, and 辛晓平. 2015. 养分添加对内蒙古不同草地生态系统生物量的影响. 北京大学学报(自然科学版) 51:657–666.

(20) Mao, D., Z. Wang, L. Li, and W. Ma. 2014. Spatiotemporal dynamics of grassland aboveground net primary productivity and its association with climatic pattern and changes in Northern China. Ecological Indicators 41:40–48.

(21) Shi, Y., Y. Wang, Y. Ma, W. Ma, C. Liang, D. F. B. Flynn, B. Schmid, J. Fang, and J. S. He. 2014. Field-based observations of regional-scale, temporal variation in net primary production in Tibetan alpine grasslands. Biogeosciences 11:2003–2016.

(22) 李强, 杨劼, 宋炳煜, 马文红, 赵利清, 张立欣, and 侯虹. 2014. 不同围封年限对退化大针茅草原生产力和. 生态学杂志 33:896–901.

(23) Jin, D., J. Ma, W. Ma, C. Liang, Y. Shi, and J. S. He. 2013. Legumes in Chinese natural grasslands: Species, biomass, and distribution. Rangeland Ecology and Management 66:648–656.

(24) Shi, Y., Y. Ma, W. Ma, C. Liang, X. Zhao, J. Fang, and J. He. 2013. Large scale patterns of forage yield and quality across Chinese grasslands. Chinese Science Bulletin 58:1187–1199.

(25) Tang, Z., J. Fang, X. Chi, Y. Yang, W. Ma, A. Mohhamot, Z. Guo, Y. Liu, and K. J. Gaston. 2012. Geography, Environment, And spatial turnover of species in China’s grasslands. Ecography 35:1103–1109.

(26) Yang, Y., J. Fang, C. Ji, W. Ma, A. Mohammat, S. Wang, S. Wang, A. Datta, D. Robinson, and P. Smith. 2012a. Widespread decreases in topsoil inorganic carbon stocks across China’s grasslands during 1980s-2000s. Global Change Biology 18. 3672–3680.

(27) Wang, Z., K. Song, W. Ma, C. Ren, B. Zhang, D. Liu, J. M. Chen, and C. Song. 2011. Loss and fragmentation of marshes in the sanjiang plain, Northeast China, 1954-2005. Wetlands 31:945–954.

(28) Ma, W., J. Y. Fang, Y. H. Yang, and A. Mohammat. 2010a. Biomass carbon stocks and their changes in northern China’s grasslands during 1982-2006. Science China Life Sciences 53:841–850.

(29) Ma, W., J. S. He, Y. Yang, X. Wang, C. Liang, M. Anwar, H. Zeng, J. Fang, and B. Schmid. 2010b. Environmental factors covary with plant diversity-productivity relationships among Chinese grassland sites. Global Ecology and Biogeography 19:233–243.

(30) Ma, W., Z. Liu, Z. Wang, W. Wang, C. Liang, Y. Tang, J. S. He, and J. Fang. 2010c. Climate change alters interannual variation of grassland aboveground productivity: Evidence from a 22-year measurement series in the Inner Mongolian grassland. Journal of Plant Research 123:509–517.

(31) Fang, J. Y., Y. H. Yang, W. H. Ma, A. Mohammat, and H. H. Shen. 2010. Ecosystem carbon stocks and their changes in China’s grasslands. Science China Life Sciences 53:757–765.

(32) Yang, Y., J. Fang, C. Ji, W. Ma, S. Su, and Z. Tang. 2010a. Soil inorganic carbon stock in the Tibetan alpine grasslands. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 24:n/a-n/a.

(33) Yang, Y., J. Fang, W. Ma, D. Guo, and A. Mohammat. 2010b. Large-scale pattern of biomass partitioning across China’s grasslands. Global Ecology and Biogeography 19:268–277.

(34) Yang, Y., J. Fang, W. Ma, P. Smith, A. Mohammat, S. Wang, and W. E. I. Wang. 2010c. Soil carbon stock and its changes in northern China’s grasslands from 1980s to 2000s. Global Change Biology 16:3036–3047.

(35) Yang, Y. H., J. Y. Fang, D. L. Guo, C. J. Ji, and W. Ma. 2010d. Vertical patterns of soil carbon, nitrogen and carbon: nitrogen stoichiometry in Tibetan grasslands. Biogeosciences Discussions 7:1–24.

(36) 周鹏, 耿燕, 马文红, and 贺金生. 2010. 温带草地主要优势植物不同器官间功能性状的关联. 植物生态学报 34:7–16.

(37) 杨阔, 黄建辉, 董丹, 马文红, and 贺金生. 2010. 青藏高原草地植物群落冠层叶片氮磷化学计量学分析. 植物生态学报 34:17–22.

(38) Ma, W., Y. H. Yang, J. S. He, H. Zeng, and J. Y. Fang. 2008. Above- and belowground biomass in relation to environmental factors in temperate grasslands, Inner Mongolia. Science in China, Series C: Life Sciences 51:263–270.

(39) 汪涛, 杨元合 & 马文红(*). (2008). 中国土壤磷库的大小、分布及其影响因素. 北京大学学报(自然科学版), 945–952.

(40) Ma, W. 2007. The relationship between species richness and productivity in four typical grasslands of northern China. Frontiers of Biology in China 2:318–323.

(41) 马文红, 韩梅, 林鑫, 任艳林, 王志恒, and 方精云. 2006. 内蒙古温带草地植被的碳储量. 干旱区资源与环境 20:192–195.

(42) 马文红 & 方精云. (2006). 中国北方典型草地物种丰富度与生产力的关系. 生物多样性, 14: 21–28.

(43) 马文红& 方精云. (2006).内蒙古草原的根冠比及其影响因素. 北京大学学报(自然科学版)42: 774-778.

(44) 方精云, 朴世龙,贺金生,马文红. (2003). 20年来中国植被活动在增强. 中国科学(C) 33: 554-565.


赵一之,马文红,赵利清. (2006). 贺兰山维管植物检索表. 古天乐代言太阳集团138出版社

