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陈迪马,古天乐代言太阳集团138,教授,博士生导师,古天乐代言太阳集团138“骏马计划A3岗”。主要从事全球变化背景下草地土壤食物网结构及其功能的联系机制等方面的研究。以第一或通讯作者在Ecology Letters、Global Change Biology、Journal  of Ecology、Ecography、Functional  Ecology、Soil Biology and Biochemistry等生态和土壤学主流期刊上发表SCI论文30余篇。先后主持了国家重点研发计划项目子课题、国家重点基础研究发展计划课题子课题、国家自然科学基金面上和青年等项目10余项。入选中国科学院青年创新促进会会员,担任中国生态学学会青年工作委员会委员。兼任Applied Soil Ecology和Pedobiologia等土壤学杂志编委。



ORCID: 0000-0002-1687-0401

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dima-Chen



1)1998.09-2002.07    华中农业大学,淡水养殖,农学学士

2)2003.09-2006.07    新疆农业大学,森林经理学,农学硕士

3)2006.09-2009.06    中国科学院华南植物园,土壤生态学,理学博士


1)2019.08-2023.11  三峡老员工物与制药学院,教授,博士生导师

2)2014.01-2019.07    中国科学院植物研究所,副研究员

3)2013.06-2014.08    北卡罗莱纳州立大学,访问学者

4)2009.07-2013.12    中国科学院植物研究所,助理研究员






1)主持国家自然科学基金面上项目"柘林湖不同大小陆桥岛屿土壤微食物网及其功能对土壤酸化和养分富集的响应机制" (2022.01-2025.12)。



4)主持重点基础研究发展计划(青年973)项目"草地土壤碳氮的迁移、转化过程及其机制研究”子课题"土壤生物在草地土壤碳氮转化过程及其机制” (2015.01-2019.08)。



7)主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目”从组分水平揭示土壤呼吸对氮素添加的响应机制:以内蒙古典型羊草草原为例” (2012.01-2014.12)




1)Yuhui Meng#, Huasong Chen#, Bing Wang, Ying Wu, Liji Wu, Yongfei Bai, Dima Chen*. 2024. Soil biota associated with soil N cycling under multiple anthropogenic stressors in grasslands. Applied Soil Ecology, 193: 105134.

2)Liji Wu#, Huasong Chen#, Dima Chen*, Shaopeng Wang, Ying Wu, Bing Wang, Shengen Liu, Linyan Yue, Jie Yu, Yongfei Bai. 2023. Soil biota diversity and plant diversity both contributed to ecosystem stability in grasslands. Ecology Letters, 26: 858-868.

3)Liji Wu, Jinyu Hu, Huasong Chen, Bing Wang, Ying Wu, Yongfei Bai, Dima Chen*. 2023. Stronger effects of long-term P enrichment on soil biota than plants in grasslands. Soil and Tillage Research, 229: 105668.

4)Pin Wen, Bing Wang*, Shengen Liu, Liji Wu, Lingyan Yue, Ying Wu, Huasong Chen, Yongfei Bai, Dima Chen*. 2023. Seasonal community stability increased with water addition and shrub removal but reduced with nitrogen addition in semi-arid grassland. Functional Ecology, 37: 690-702.

5)Jinyu Hu#, Huasong Chen#, Lingyan Yue, Shengen Liu, Liji Wu, Bing Wang*, Dima Chen*. 2023. Elevational gradient regulates the effects of short-term nutrient deposition on soil microorganisms and SOM decomposition in subtropical forests Plant and Soil, 489: 225-238.

6)Qinfeng Zhao#, Wanjie Chen#, Liji Wu*, Bing Wang, Ying Wu, Huasong Chen, Yongfei Bai, Dima Chen*. 2023. Nitrogen enrichment amplifies the effects of litter treatments on soil microorganisms and ecosystem functions in grazed and non-grazed grasslands. Applied Soil Ecology, 186: 104851.

7)Xihang Yang, Linyan Yue*, Ying Wu, Bing Wang, Liji Wu, Shengen Liu, Huasong Chen, Dima Chen*. 2023. The validity of ecological hypotheses concerning aboveground organisms for soil microbial biomass and diversity across soil depths on the Mongolian Plateau. Applied Soil Ecology, 181: 104679.

8)Bing Wang#, Yuhe Zhu#, Xiang Chen#, Dima Chen*, Ying Wu, Liji Wu, Shengen Liu, Linyan Yue, Yang Wang, Yongfei Bai*. 2022. Even short-term revegetation complicates soil food webs and strengthens their links with ecosystem functions. Journal of Applied Ecology, 59: 1721-1733.

9)Ying Wu#, Dima Chen#*, Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, Shengen Liu, Bing Wang, Jianping Wu, Shuijin Hu, Yongfei Bai*. 2022. Long-term regional evidence of the effects of livestock grazing on soil microbial community structure and functions in surface and deep soil layers. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 168: 108629.

10)Liji Wu, Bing Wang, Ying Wu, Dima Chen*. 2022.Regional-scale evidence that determinants of soil microbial biomass and N mineralization depend on sampling depth and layer on the Mongolian Plateau. Catena, 213: 0341-8162.

11)Yu Jie, Yin Qiang, Niu Jianming, Yan Zhijian, Wang Hui, Wang Yuqing*, Dima Chen*. 2022. Consistent effects of vegetation patch type on soil microbial communities across three successional stages in a desert ecosystem. Land Degradation and Development, 33: 1552-1563.

12)Ying Wu, Bing Wang, Liji Wu, Shengen Liu, Lingyan Yue, Jianping Wu*, Dima Chen*. 2022. Fifty-year habitat subdivision enhances soil microbial biomass and diversity across subtropical land-bridge islands. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13: 1063340.

13)Ying Wu, Dima Chen*, Muhammad Saleem, Bing Wang, Shuijin Hu, Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, Yongfei Bai*. 2021. Rare soil microbial taxa regulate the negative effects of land degradation drivers on soil organic matter decomposition. Journal of Applied Ecology, 58: 1658-1669.

14)Bing Wang, Ying Wu, Dima Chen*, Shuijin Hu, and Yongfei Bai. 2021. Legacy effect of grazing intensity mediates the bottom-up controls of resource addition on soil food webs. Journal of Applied Ecology, 58: 976-987.

15)Hong Xiao#, Bing Wang#, Shunbao Lu, Dima Chen*, Ying Wu, Yuhe Zhu, Shuijin Hu, Yongfei Bai. 2020. Soil acidification reduces the effects of short-term nutrient enrichment on plant and soil biota and their interactions in grasslands. Global Change Biology, 26: 4626-4637.

16)Bing Wang#, Liji Wu#Dima Chen*, Ying Wu, Shuijin Hu, Linghao Li, Yongfei Bai. 2020. Grazing simplifies soil micro-food webs and decouples their relationships with ecosystem functions in grasslands. Global Change Biology, 26: 960-970.

17)Ying Wu, Jianping Wu, Muhammad Saleem, Bing Wang, Shuijin Hu, Yongfei Bai, Qingmin Pan*, Dima Chen*. 2020. Ecological clusters based on responses of soil microbial phylotypes to precipitation explain ecosystem functions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 142: 107717.

18)Dima Chen*, Muhammad Saleem, Junhui Cheng, Jia Mi, Pengfei Chu, Shuijin Hu, Yongfei Bai*. 2019. Effects of aridity on soil microbial communities and functions across soil depths on the Mongolian Plateau. Functional Ecology, 33: 1561-1571.

19)Dima Chen, Wen Xing, Zhichun Lan, Muhammad Saleem, Yunqiqige Wu, Shuijin Hu, Yongfei Bai*. 2019. Direct and indirect effects of nitrogen enrichment on soil organisms and carbon and nitrogen mineralization in a semi-arid grassland. Functional Ecology, 33: 175-187.

20)Chenglong Ye#Dima Chen#, Steven J. Hall, Shang Pan, Xuebin Yan, Tongshuo Bai, Hui Guo, Yi Zhang, Yongfei Bai*, Shuijin Hu*. 2018. Reconciling multiple impacts of nitrogen enrichment on soil carbon: plant, microbial, and geochemical controls. Ecology Letters, 21: 1162-1173.

21)Jianjun Li, Yin Huang, Fengwei Xu, Liji Wu, Dima Chen*, Yongfei Bai*. 2018. Responses of growing‐season soil respiration to water and nitrogen addition as affected by grazing intensity. Functional Ecology, 32: 1890-1901.

22)Ying Wu, Bing Wang, Dima Chen*. 2018. Regional-scale patterns of δ13C and δ15N associated with multiple ecosystem functions along an aridity gradient in grassland ecosystems. Plant and Soil, 432: 107-118.

23)Dima Chen#, Qingmin Pan#, Yongfei Bai*, Shuijin Hu, Jianhui Huang, Qibing Wang, Xingguo Han, Shahid Naeem, James J. Elser, Jianguo Wu. 2016. Effects of plant functional group loss on soil biota and net ecosystem exchange: A plant removal experiment in the Mongolian grassland. Journal of Ecology, 104: 734-743.

24)Dima Chen, Jianjun Li, Zhichun Lan, Shuijin Hu, Yongfei Bai*. 2016. Soil acidification exerts a greater control on soil respiration than soil nitrogen availability in grasslands subjected to long-term nitrogen enrichment. Functional Ecology, 30: 658–669.

25)Dima Chen*, Zhichun Lan, Shuijin Hu, Yongfei Bai. 2015. Effects of nitrogen enrichment on belowground communities in grassland: Relative role of soil nitrogen availability vs. soil acidification. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 89: 99-108.

26)Dima Chen*, Yang Wang, Zhichun Lan, Jianjun Li, Wen Xing, Shuijin Hu, Yongfei Bai. 2015. Biotic community shifts explain the contrasting responses of microbial and root respiration to experimental soil acidification. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 90: 139-147.

27)Dima Chen, Junhui Cheng, Pengfei Chu, Shuijin Hu, Yichun Xie, Indree Tuvshintogtokh, Yongfei Bai*. 2015. Regional-scale patterns of soil microbes and nematodes across grasslands on the Mongolian plateau: Relationships with climate, soil, and plants. Ecography, 38: 622-631.

28)Dima Chen, Junhui Cheng, Pengfei Chu, Jia Mi, Shuijin Hu, Yichun Xie, Indree Tuvshintogtokh, Yongfei Bai*. 2016. Effect of diversity on biomass across grasslands on the Mongolian Plateau: contrasting effects between plants and soil nematodes. Journal of Biogeography, 43: 955–966.

29)Dima Chen, Jia Mi, Pengfei Chu, Junhui Cheng, Lixia Zhang, Qingmin Pan, Yichun Xie, Yongfei Bai*. 2015. Patterns and drivers of soil microbial communities along a precipitation gradient on the Mongolian Plateau. Landscape Ecology, 30: 1669-1682.

30)Dima Chen, Zhichun Lan, Xue Bai, James B. Grace, Yongfei Bai*. 2013. Evidence that acidification-induced declines in plant diversity and productivity are mediated by changes in below-ground communities and soil properties in a semi-arid steppe. Journal of Ecology, 101: 1322–1334.

31)Dima Chen, Shuxia Zheng, Yumei Shan, Friedhelm Taube, Yongfei Bai*. 2013. Vertebrate herbivore-induced changes in plants and soils: linkages to ecosystem functioning in a semi-arid steppe. Functional Ecology, 27: 273-281.

32)Dima Chen, Lixia Zhou, Jianping Wu, Joanna Hsu, Yongbiao Lin, Shenglei Fu*. 2012. Tree girdling affects the soil microbial community by modifying resource availability in two subtropical plantations. Applied Soil Ecology, 53: 108-115.

33)Dima Chen, Lixia Zhou, Jianping Wu, Xingquan Rao, Yongbiao Lin, Shenglei Fu*. 2011. Subtropical plantations are large carbon sinks: evidence from two monoculture plantations in South China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 151: 1214-1225.

34)Dima Chen, Yang Zhang, Yongbiao, Shenglei Fu*. 2010. Changes in belowground carbon in Acacia crassicarpa and Eucalyptus urophylla plantations after tree girdling. Plant and Soil, 326: 123-135.

35)Dima Chen, Lixia Zhou, Xingquan Rao, Yongbiao Lin, Shenglei Fu*. 2010. Effects of root diameter and root nitrogen concentration on in situ root respiration among different seasons and tree species. Ecological Research, 25: 983-993.

36)Dima Chen, Yang Zhang, Yongbiao Lin, Hua Chen, Shenglei Fu*. Stand level estimation of root respiration for two subtropical plantations based on in situ measurement of specific root respiration. Forest Ecology and Management, 257: 2088-2097.


37)Jiamei Sun, Bin Zhang, Qingmin Pan*, Wei Liu, Xiaoliang Wang, Jianhui Huang, Dima Chen, Changhui Wang, Xingguo Han. 2023. Nonlinear response of productivity to precipitation extremes in the Inner Mongolia grassland. Functional Ecology 37: 1663-1673.

38)Fengwei Xu*, Jianjun Li, Jishuai Su, Takehiro Sasaki, Xiaoming Lu, Yang Wang, Dima Chen, Yongfei Bai*. 2024. Understanding the drivers of ecosystem multifunctionality in the Mongolian steppe: The role of grazing history and resource input. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 359: 108748

39)Shengen Liu, Pablo García-Palacios, Leho Tedersoo, Emilio Guirado, Marcel G. A. van der Heijden, Cameron Wagg, Dima Chen, Qingkui Wang, Juntao Wang, Brajesh K. Singh & Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo*. 2022. Phylotype diversity within soil fungal functional groups drives ecosystem stability. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 6: 900-909.

40)Jia Mi, Jun Ou, Hua Liu, Jing Shi, Dima Chen, Yongfei Bai*. 2022. The loss of plant species diversity dominated by temperature promotes local productivity in the steppe of eastern Inner Mongolia. Ecological Indicators, 139: 108953.

41)Wen Xing, Xiaoming Lu, Shuli Niu, Dima Chen, Jinsong Wang, Ya Liu, Bingxue Wang, Shuang Zhang, Zhaolei Li, Xijun Yao, Qiang Yu, Dashuan Tian*. 2022. Global patterns and drivers of soil nematodes in response to nitrogen enrichment. Catena, 213: 106235.

42)Haiyan Ren*, Kathryn A. Yurkonis, Lifeng Wang, Jiechao Chang, Iris Vogeler, Dima Chen, Manqiang Liu*, Qiang Yu. 2022. Temporal stabilizing effects of species richness and seed arrangement on grassland biomass production. Journal of Ecology, 110: 1606-1614.

43)Fengwei Xu*, Jianjun Li, Liji Wu, Jishuai Su, Yang Wang, Dima Chen, Yongfei Bai*. 2022. Linking leaf traits to the temporal stability of above-and belowground productivity under global change and land use scenarios in a semi-arid grassland of Inner Mongolia. Science of the Total Environment, 818: 151858.

44)Wen Xing, Xiaoming Lu, Jiaoyan Ying, Zhichun Lan, Dima Chen, Yongfei Bai*. 2022. Disentangling the effects of nitrogen availability and soil acidification on microbial taxa and soil carbon dynamics in natural grasslands. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 164: 108495.

45)Qingmin Pan, Amy J. Symstad, Yongfei Bai, Jianhui Huang, Jianguo Wu, Shahid Naeem, Dima Chen, Dashuan Tian, Qibing Wang, Xingguo Han*. 2022. Biodiversity‐productivity relationships in a natural grassland community vary under diversity loss scenarios. Journal of Ecology, 110: 210-220.

46)Zhen Li*, Fuwei Wang, Fanglong Su, Peng Wang, Shijie Li, Tongshuo Bai, Yanan Wei, Manqiang Liu, Dima Chen, Weixing Zhu, Valerie Eviner, Yi Wang*, Shuijin Hu. 2021. Climate change drivers alter root controls over litter decomposition in a semi-arid grassland. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 158: 108278.

47)Fengwei Xu*, Jianjun Li, Jishuai Su, Xiaoming Lu, Yang Wang, Liji Wu, Chaonan Wang, Dima Chen, Yongfei Bai*. 2021. Seasonality regulates the effects of resource addition on plant diversity and ecosystem functioning in semi-arid grassland. Journal of Plant Ecology, rtab061.

48)ZH Pervaiz, J Contreras, BM Hupp, JH Lindenberger, Dima Chen, Q Zhang. 2020. Root microbiome changes with root branching order and root chemistry in peach rhizosphere soil. Rhizosphere, 16: 100249.

49)Zahida H. Pervaiz, Janet Contreras, Brody M. Hupp, Josh H. Lindenberger, Dima Chen, Qingming Zhang, Caixia Wang, Paul Twigg, Muhammad Saleem*. 2020. Cover crop diversity improves multiple soil properties via altering root architectural traits. Rhizosphere, 16: 100248.

50)Fengwei Xu, Jianjun Li, Liji Wu, Xiaoming Lu, Wen Xing, Dima Chen, Biao Zhu, Shaopeng Wang, Lin Jiang, Yongfei Bai*. 2020. Resource enrichment combined with biomass removal maintains plant diversity and community stability in a long-term grazed grassland. Journal of Plant Ecology, 13: 611-620.

51)Zahida Pervaiz, Javed Iqbal, Qingming Zhang, Dima Chen, Hui Wei, Muhammad Saleem. 2020. Continuous cropping alters multiple biotic and abiotic indicators of soil health. Soil Systems, 4: 59.

52)Shang Pan, Yang Wang, Yunpeng Qiu, Dima Chen, Lin Zhang, Chenglong Ye, Hui Guo, Weixing Zhu, Aiqun Chen, Guohua Xu, Yi Zhang*, Yongfei Bai*, Shuijin Hu*. 2020. Nitrogen‐induced acidification, not N‐nutrient, dominates suppressive N effects on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Global Change Biology, 26: 6568-6580.

53)Yuqing Liu, Wenhong Ma, Dan Kou, Xiaxia Niu, Tian Wang, Yongliang Chen, Dima Chen, Xiaoqin Zhu, Mengying Zhao, Baihui Hao, Jinbo Zhang, Yuanhe Yang, and Huifeng Hu*. 2020. A comparison of patterns of microbial C: N: P stoichiometry between topsoil and subsoil along an aridity gradient. Biogeosciences, 17: 2009-2019.

54)Ping Li, Emma J. Sayer, Zhou Jia, Weixing Liu, Yuntao Wu, Sen Yang, Chengzhang Wang, Lu Yang, Dima Chen, Yongfei Bai, Lingli Liu*. 2020. Deepened winter snow cover enhances net ecosystem exchange and stabilizes plant community composition and productivity in a temperate grassland. Global Change Biology, 26: 3015-30207.

55)Tian Ma, Guohua Dai, Shanshan Zhu, Dima Chen, Litong Chen, Xiaotao Lü, Xiaobo Wang, Juntao Zhu, Yangjian Zhang, Jin-Sheng He, Yongfei Bai, Xingguo Han, Xiaojuan Feng*. 2020. Vertical variations in plant-and microbial-derived carbon components in grassland soils. Plant and Soil, 446: 441-455.

56)Wen Xing, Xiaoming Lu, Fengwei Xu, Jiaoyan Ying, Dima Chen, Yongfei Bai*. 2019. Linking microbial community structure to carbon substrate chemistry in soils following aboveground and belowground litter additions. Applied Soil Ecology, 141: 18-25.

57)Tian Ma, Guohua Dai, Shanshan Zhu, Dima Chen, Litong Chen, Xiaotao Lü, Xiaobo Wang, Juntao Zhu, Yangjian Zhang, Wenhong Ma, Jin‐Sheng He, Yongfei Bai, Xingguo Han, Xiaojuan Feng. 2019. Distribution and preservation of root‐and shoot‐derived carbon components in soils across the Chinese‐Mongolian grasslands. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 124: 420-431.

58)Shanshan Zhu, Guohua Dai, Tian Ma, Litong Chen, Dima Chen, Xiaotao Lü, Xiaobo Wang, Juntao Zhu, Yangjian Zhang, Yongfei Bai, Xingguo Han, Jin-Sheng He, Xiaojuan Feng*. 2019. Distribution of lignin phenols in comparison with plant-derived lipids in the alpine versus temperate grassland soils. Plant and Soil, 439: 325-338.

59)Tian Ma, Shanshan Zhu, Zhiheng Wang, Dima Chen, Guohua Dai, Bowei Feng, Xiangyan Su, Huifeng Hu, Kaihui Li, Wenxuan Han, Chao Liang, Yongfei Bai, Xiaojuan Feng*. 2018. Divergent accumulation of microbial necromass and plant lignin components in grassland soils. Nature Communications, 9: 3480.

60)Weixing Liu, Steven D. Allison, Ping Li, Jing Wang, Dima Chen, Zhenhua Wang, Sen Yang, Liwei Diao, Bin Wang, Lingli Liu*. 2018. The effects of increased snow depth on plant and microbial biomass and community composition along a precipitation gradient in temperate steppes. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 124: 134-141.

61)Shiping Chen#, Wantong Wang#, Wenting Xu#, Yang Wang#, Hongwei Wan#, Dima Chen, Zhiyao Tang, Xuli Tang, Guoyi Zhou, Zongqiang Xie, Daowei Zhou, Zhouping Shangguan, Jianhui Huang, Jin-Sheng He, Yanfen Wang, Jiandong Sheng, Lisong Tang, Xinrong Li, Ming Dong, Yan Wu, Qiufeng Wang, Zhiheng Wang, Jianguo Wu, F Stuart Chapin, Yongfei Bai*. 2018. Plant diversity enhances productivity and soil carbon storage. 2018. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115: 4027-4032.

62)Zhiyao Tang#, Wenting Xu#, Guoyi Zhou#, Yongfei Bai, Jiaxiang Li, Xuli Tang, Dima Chen, Qing Liu, Wenhong Ma, Gaoming Xiong, Honglin He, Nianpeng He, Yanpei Guo, Qiang Guo, Jiangling Zhu, Wenxuan Han, Huifeng Hu, Jingyun Fang, Zongqiang Xie*. 2018. Patterns of plant carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus concentration in relation to productivity in China’s terrestrial ecosystems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115: 4033-4038.

63)Guohua Dai, Tian Ma, Shanshan Zhu, Zongguang Liu, Dima Chen, Yongfei Bai, Litong Chen, Jin‐Sheng He, Juntao Zhu, Yangjian Zhang, Xiaotao Lü, Xiaobo Wang, Xingguo Han, Xiaojuan Feng*. 2018. Large‐scale distribution of molecular components in Chinese grassland soils: The influence of input and decomposition processes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 123: 239–255.

64)Bin Zhang, Jianjun Zhu, Qingmin Pan*, Yanshu Liu, Shiping Chen, Dima Chen, Yue Yan, Shande Dou, Xingguo Han. Grassland species respond differently to altered precipitation amount and pattern. 2017. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 104: 734–743.

65)Ning Ling, Dima Chen, Hui Guo, Jiaxin Wei, Yongfei Bai, Qirong Shen, Shuijin Hu*. 2017. Effects of plant functional group loss on soil biota and soil carbon sequestration: A plant removal experiment in the Mongolian grassland. Geoderma, 292: 25–33.

66)Keke Wu, Dima Chen, Cong Tu, Yunpeng Qiu, Kent O Burkey, S Chris Reberg-Horton, Shaolin Peng*, Shuijin Hu*. 2017. CO2-induced alterations in plant nitrate utilization and root exudation stimulate N2O emissions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 106: 9-17.

67)Bing Wang, Ying Wu, Dima Chen. 2017. Stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen help to predict the belowground communities at a regional scale. Scientific Reports, 7: 7276.

68)Rina Su, Junhui Cheng, Dima Chen, Yongfei Bai, Hua Jin, Lumengqiqige Chao, Zhijun Wang, Junqing Li*. 2017. Effects of grazing on spatiotemporal variations in community structure and ecosystem function on the grasslands of Inner Mongolia, China. Scientific Reports, 7: 40.

69)Junhui Cheng, Pengfei Chu, Dima Chen, Yongfei Bai*. 2016. Functional correlations between specific leaf area and specific root length along a regional environmental gradient in Inner Mongolia grasslands. Functional Ecology, 30: 985–997.

70)Kai Yin, Lei Zhang, Dima Chen, Yichen Tian, Feifei Zhang, Meiping Wen, Chao Yuan. 2016. Understory herb layer exerts strong controls on soil microbial communities in subtropical plantations. Scientific reports 6: 1-8.

71)Jia Mi, Jianjun Li, Dima Chen, Yichun Xie, Yongfei Bai*. 2015. Predominant control of moisture on soil organic carbon mineralization across a broad range of arid and semiarid ecosystems on the Mongolia plateau. Landscape Ecology, 30: 1683-1699.

72)Yuanhu Shao, Weikai Bao, Dima Chen, Nico Eisenhauer, Weixin Zhang, Xueyong Pang, Guoliang Xu, Shenglei Fu*. 2015. Using structural equation modeling to test established theory and develop novel hypotheses for the structuring forces in soil food webs. Pedobiologia, 58: 137-145.

73)Jianping Wu, Zhanfeng Liu, Guomin Huang, Dima Chen, Weixin Zhang, Yuanhu Shao, Songze Wan, Shenglei Fu*. 2014. Response of soil respiration and ecosystem carbon budget to vegetation removal in Eucalyptus plantations with contrasting ages. Scientific Reports. 4.

74)Yuanhu Shao, Weixin Zhang, Zhanfeng Liu, Yuxin Sun, Dima Chen, Jianping Wu, Lixia Zhou, Hanping Xia, Deborah A. Neher, Shenglei Fu*. 2012. Responses of soil microbial and nematode communities to aluminum toxicity in vegetated oil-shale-waste lands. Ecotoxicology,21:2132-2142.

75)Jianping Wu, Zhanfeng Liu, Dima Chen, Guomin Huang, Lixia Zhou, Shenglei Fu*. 2011. Understory plants can make substantial contributions to soil respiration: Evidence from two subtropical plantations. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 43:2355-2357.

76)Yumei Shan, Dima Chen, Xuanxuan Guan, Shuxia Zheng, Haijun Chen, Mingjiu Wang, Yongfei Bai*. 2011. Seasonally dependent impacts of grazing on soil nitrogen mineralization and linkages to ecosystem functioning in Inner Mongolia grassland. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 43:1943-1954.