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2022.07-至今 古天乐代言太阳集团138,古天乐代言太阳集团138,“骏马计划B2岗”研究员

2016.09-2022.06 中国地质大学(北京),水文地质学,博士(硕博连读)

2012.09-2016.06 中国地质大学(北京),地下水科学与工程,学士











1. 指导2024年古天乐代言太阳集团138老员工创新训练项目“乌梁素海地下水硫酸盐水化学控制研究”(2024.6-2026.6)(参与人:何雨泽/李丁一/王皓楠/吴彤/石雅心)

2. 指导2023古天乐代言太阳集团138老员工创新训练项目结冰期-非结冰期乌梁素海地下水排泄研究”(2023.6-2025.6)(参与人:刘景圆/东亮/赵新宇/郭家荣


1.Qu, S.#,*, Wang, C.#, Liang, X., Luo, A., Shi, Z., Wang, G., Yu, R. (2024) Regional characteristics of groundwater sulfate source and evolution in the multi-layer aquifer system of the Northern Shaanxi Coal Mine Base, Northwestern China: evidence from geochemical and isotopic fingerprints. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 480: 135866.

2.Yang, X., Qu, S.*, Wang, J., Zhao, Y., Ren, X., Dong, S., Yu, R.* (2024) Trace element distribution, sources, toxicity risk characteristics associated with lacustrine groundwater discharge in boreal lakes: Implications for the eco-environmental security in the Yellow River Basin, China. Ecological Indicators, 167: 112600.

3.Qu, S.*, Zhao, Y., Zhang, K., Wang, J., Li, M., Yang, X., Ren, X., Hao, Y., Yu, R*. (2024) Multi-isotopes (δD, δ18Owater, 87Sr/86Sr, δ34S and δ18Osulfate) as indicators for groundwater salinization genesis and evolution of a large agricultural drainage lake basin in Inner Mongolia, Northwest China. Science of the Total Environment, 946: 174181.

4.Qu, S., Wang, G.*, Zhang, S.*, Shi, Z., Liang, X., Luo, A. (2024) Deciphering the mechanism of groundwater temperature changes associated with longwall mining in the Ningtiaota Coalfield, China, using the Extreme gradient boosting method. Hydrogeology Journal, 32: 14191432.

5.Duan, L.#, Zhang, W.#, Qiu, Y., Chen, S., Wang, D., Luo, Y.*, Qu, S.*, Gao, R., Xue, B., Wang, G., Liu, T. (2024) Identifying the spatio-seasonal pattern of hydrochemical evolution and surface water-groundwater interaction in a large urban river basin, Northwest China. Science of the Total Environment, 944: 173989.

6.Qu, S.*, Zhao, Y., Li, M., Zhang, K., Wang, J., Duan, L.*, Ma, H., Miao, P., Yu, R. (2024) Spatio-seasonal characteristics and controlling factors of surface water stable isotope values (δ18O and δD) across the Inner Mongolia Reaches of the Yellow River Basin, China: Implication for hydrological cycle. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 53: 101843.

7.Wang, C.#, Luo, A.#, Qu, S.*, Liang, X., Xiao, B., Mu, W., Wang, Y., Yu, R. (2024) Anthropogenic processes drive spatiotemporal variability of sulfate in groundwater from a multi-aquifer system: Dilution caused by mine drainage. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 264: 104358.

8.Luo, A., Dong, S., Wang, H., Ji, Z., Wang, T., Hu, X., Wang, C., Qu, S.*, Zhang, S. (2024) Impact of long‑term mining activity on groundwater dynamics in a mining district in Xinjiang coal Mine Base, Northwest China: insight from geochemical fingerprint and machine learning. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 31: 3213632151.

9.Qu, S., Luo, Y., Duan, L.*, Pei, S., Miao, P., Wang, C., Liu, T., Yu, R. (2023) Deciphering spatio-seasonal patterns, driving forces, and human health risks of nitrate and fluoride enriched water bodies in the Inner Mongolia Reaches of the Yellow River Basin, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30: 111423111440.

10.Qu, S., Wang, C., Yang, N.*, Duan, L.*, Yu, R., Zhang, K., Li, M., Sun, P. (2023) Large-scale surface water-groundwater origins and connectivity in the Ordos Basin, China: Insight from hydrogen and oxygen isotopes. Environmental Research, 236: 116837.

11.Qu, S., Liao, F.*, Wang, G.*, Wang, X., Shi, Z., Liang, X., Duan, L., Liu, T. (2023) Hydrochemical evolution of groundwater in overburden aquifers under the influence of mining activity: combining hydrochemistry and groundwater dynamics analysis. Environmental Earth Sciences, 82: 135.

12.Qu, S., Duan, L.*, Mao, H., Wang, C., Liang, X., Luo, A., Huang, L., Yu, R., Miao, P., Zhao, Y. (2023) Hydrochemical and isotopic fingerprints of groundwater origin and evolution in the Urangulan River basin, China's Loess Plateau. Science of the Total Environment, 866: 161377.

13.Mao, H.#, Wang, C.#, Qu, S.*, Liao, F., Wang, G.*, Shi, Z. (2022) Source and evolution of sulfate in the multi-layer groundwater system in an abandoned mine—Insight from stable isotopes and Bayesian isotope mixing model. Science of the Total Environment, 859: 160368.

14.Qu, S., Duan, L.*, Shi, Z., Mao, H., Wang, G., Liu, T., Yu, R., Peng, X. (2022) Identifying the spatial pattern, driving factors and potential human health risks of nitrate and fluoride enriched groundwater of Ordos Basin, Northwest China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 376: 134289.

15.Qu, S., Liang, X., Liao, F.*, Mao, H., Xiao, B., Duan, L., Shi, Z., Wang, G., Yu, R. (2022) Geochemical fingerprint and spatial pattern of mine water quality in the Shaanxi-Inner Mongolia Coal Mine Base, Northwest China. Science of the Total Environment, 854: 158812.

16.Qu, S., Duan, L.*, Shi, Z.*, Liang, X., Lv, S., Wang, G., Liu, T., Yu, R. (2022) Hydrochemical assessments and driving forces of groundwater quality and potential health risks of sulfate in a coalfield, northern Ordos Basin, China. Science of the Total Environment, 835: 155519.

17.Qu, S., Wang, G.*, Shi, Z., Zhu, Z., Wang, X., Jin, X. (2022) Impact of Mining Activities on Groundwater Level, Hydrochemistry, and Aquifer Parameters in a Coalfield’s Overburden Aquifer. Mine Water and the Environment, 41: 640653.

18.Qu, S., Shi, Z.*, Wang, G., Zhang, H., Han, J., Liu, T., Jin, X. (2021) Detection of hydrological responses to longwall mining in an overburden aquifer. Journal of Hydrology, 603: 126919.

19.Qu, S., Shi, Z.*, Liang, X., Wang, G., Han, J. (2021) Multiple factors control groundwater chemistry and quality of multi-layer groundwater system in Northwest China coalfield — Using self-organizing maps (SOM). Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 227: 106795.

20.Qu, S., Shi, Z.*, Liang, X., Wang, G., Jin, X. (2021) Origin and controlling factors of groundwater chemistry and quality in the Zhiluo aquifer system of northern Ordos Basin, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 80: 439.

21.Qu, S., Shi, Z.*, Wang, G., Han, J. (2020) Application of multiple approaches to investigate hydraulic connection in multiple aquifers system in coalfield. Journal of Hydrology, 595: 125673.

22.Qu, S., Wang, G.*, Shi, Z., Zhou, P., Xu, Q., Zhu, Z. (2020) Temporal changes of hydraulic properties of overburden aquifer induced by longwall mining in Ningtiaota coalfield, northwest China. Journal of Hydrology, 582: 124525.

23.Qu, S., Shi, Z.*, Wang, G., Xu, Q., Zhu, Z., Han, J. (2020) Using water level fluctuations in response to Earth-tide and barometric pressure changes to measure the in situ hydrogeological properties of an overburden aquifer in a coalfield. Hydrogeology Journal, 28: 1465–1479.

24.Qu, S., Wang, G.*, Shi, Z., Xu, Q., Guo, Y., Ma, L., Sheng, Y. (2018) Using stable isotopes (δD, δ18O, δ34S and 87Sr/86Sr) to identify sources of water in abandoned mines in the Fengfeng coal mining district, northern China. Hydrogeology Journal, 26(5): 1443–1453.

25.屈伸,史浙明*梁向阳,王广才,刘廷玺(2022)大海则井田多层含水层系统水化学特征及演化规律. 环境化学41(8): 26142624.

26.屈伸,张伟峰,杨少东,张栋良,王丽萍*(2018)不同“水梦”无机吸附剂对黄河水泥沙吸附影响与适用性分析. 灌溉排水学报,37(1): 78-84.


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2.         2023丝绸之路国际产学研用合作会议高原生态保护和高质量发展分会场呼和浩特,2023,口头报告

3.         第五届全国青年地质大会贵阳,2021,口头报告
