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E-mail: bao1016@163.com

通讯地址: 内蒙古呼和浩特市赛罕区大学西街235号(010021




1992.9-1996.6内蒙古民族学院(现内蒙古民族大学)化学教育专业  理学学士

2001.4-2002.3日本茨城大学农学部  研究生

2002.4-2004.3日本茨城大学 农学部资源生物科学专业  农学硕士

2004.4-2007.9日本东京农工大学 大学院联合农学研究科生物生产专业  农学博士



1996.11-2001.3 内蒙古自治区通辽市科左后旗城建局

2007.10-2008.3 日本茨城大学农学部  非常勤研究员

2008.4-2011.3  日本独立行政法人农业环境技术研究所  特别研究员

2011.4-2011.5  日本茨城大学农学部  研究助理

2011.6-2014.7  日本东北大学大学院生命科学研究科  产学官连携研究员

2014.8-至今    古天乐代言太阳集团138  副教授








1.        主持内蒙古自治区科技计划项目“甲烷氧化菌为核心的合成固氮菌群构建及其对水稻生长及甲烷减排作用”(项目号:2022YFHH0086),2022.04-2024.12

2.        主持国家自然科学基金地区科学基金目“好氧甲烷氧化菌的水稻和芦苇促生作用及机制研究”(项目号:32160028),2022.01-2025.12

3.        主持国家自然科学基金地区科学基金目“新科Alsobacteraceae模式菌Alsobacter methylodruns SK200a-9的硝酸原耦合氧化N2O机制研究”(目号:41963008),2020.01-2023.12

4.        主持内蒙古自治区自然科学基金面上目“林杆菌Alsobacter methylodruns SK200a-9二价铁诱导的硝酸N2O机制研究”(目号:2019MS04005),2020.01 -2023.12

5.        主持国家自然科学基金地区科学基金,湿地芦根圈固氮甲氧化菌的分布特征及其功能耦合机制研究(目号:41563009),2016.01-2019.12

6.        主持内蒙古科技重大专项(内蒙古“一湖两海”水染控制与合治理关与集成示范,ZDZX2018054)子课题:湖泊内源染防控技集成与实验示范(目号:21800-51839050202),2018.11-2021.10

7.        主持内蒙古自治区环境科学研究院委托项目“白云鄂博矿区区域生态环境可持续发展研究” (内蒙古科技计划项目,项目号:JH20180633),2019. 8-2020.12

8.      共同主持蒙古高原生态学与资源利用教育部重点实验室开放课题, 内蒙古不同类型草原优势植物根圈固氮功能微生物类群及多样性研究,项目号10000-196106/001/001 2020/01-2021/12

9.        参与国家自然科学基金“内蒙古农牧交错带退耕还草温室气体收支平衡研究” (项目号:41665010)2017-2020

10.     主持内蒙古自治区面上基金,梁素海湿地优势植物根氧化和固氮功能菌群的研究目号:2015MS03282015.01-2017.12

11.     主持古天乐代言太阳集团138高次人才启基金(目号:218005145144)2014~2016

12.     日本林水课题《利用土壤微生物相解明土壤生物特性的分析技的开》(土壤eDNA课题, 200803-2011.4

13.     参与日本林水省重大课题《新农业稻子基因课题》(http://cropgenome.project.affrc.go.jp/)的子课题《稻子与微生物基因相互作用的解明》, 2011.3-2013.4




(1)         Yan, L., Shi, J., Cao, J., Zhang, M., Chen, LX, Wang, L-X, Bao Z.* 2023. Paenibacillus sedimenti sp. nov., isolated from freshwater wetland sediment. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. In press. (SCIIF2.16)

(2)         Wang, C., Hu, H., Shi, J., Chen, L., Wang, L. and Bao, Z.* 2023. Copper-ion-mediated removal of nitrous oxide by a salt-tolerant aerobic denitrifier Halomonas sp. 3H. Environmental Technology & Innovation 30, 103045. (SCIIF7.6)

(3)         Zhang, S., Yan, L., Cao, J., Wang, K., Luo, Y., Hu, H., Wang, L., Yu, R., Pan, B., Yu, K., Zhao, J. and Bao, Z*. 2023. Salinity significantly affects methane oxidation and methanotrophic community in Inner Mongolia lake sediments. Frontiers in microbiology 13. (SCIIF6.1)

(4)         Luo Y., Zhang D., Guo Y., Zhang S-H., Chang L-L, Qi Y., Li X-H, Liu J-G, Guo W., Zhao J., Bao, Z.* 2022. Comparative insights into influences of co-contamination by rare-earth elements and heavy metals on soil bacterial and fungal communities, Journal of Soils and Sediments 1-17. (SCIIF3.3)

(5)         Cui, J., Zhang, M., Chen, L., Zhang, S., Luo, Y., Cao, W., Zhao, J., Wang, L., Jia, Z. and Bao, Z.* 2022. Methanotrophs Contribute to Nitrogen Fixation in Emergent Macrophytes. Frontiers in Microbiology 13851424. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2022.851424 (SCIIF5.6)

(6)         Hara, S., Wada, N., Hsiao, S.S., Zhang, M., Bao, Z., Iizuka, Y., Lee, D.C., Sato, S., Tang, S.L. and Minamisawa, K. 2022. In Vivo Evidence of Single 13C and 15N Isotope-Labeled Methanotrophic Nitrogen-Fixing Bacterial Cells in Rice Roots. mBio 13(3), e0125522. (SCIIF8.1)

(7)         Cao, W., Cai, Y., Bao, Z., Wang, S., Yan, X., and Jia, Z.* 2022. Methanotrophy Alleviates Nitrogen Constraint of Carbon Turnover by Rice Root-Associated Microbiomes. Frontiers in Microbiology 13, 885087. (SCI, IF5.6)

(8)         Luo, Y., Yuan, H., Zhao, J., Qi, Y., Cao, W.-W., Liu, J.-M., Guo, W. and Bao, Z.* 2021.   Multiple factors influence bacterial community diversity and composition in soils with rare earth element and heavy metal co-contamination. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 225:112749. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2021.112749 (SCIIF6.3)

(9)         Liu, J., Han, J., Zhu, C., Cao, W., Luo, Y., Zhang, M., Zhang, S., Jia, Z., Yu, R., Zhao, J. and Bao, Z.* 2021. Elevated Atmospheric CO2 and Nitrogen Fertilization Affect the Abundance and Community Structure of Rice Root-Associated Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria. Frontiers in Microbiology 12: 628108. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2021.628108 (SCIIF5.6)

(10)      Zhang, S., Cui, J., Zhang, M., Liu, J., Wang, L., Zhao, J. and Bao, Z.* 2021. Diversity of active anaerobic ammonium oxidation (ANAMMOX) and nirK-type denitrifying bacteria in macrophyte roots in a eutrophic wetland. Journal of Soils and Sediments 212465-2473. DOI:10.1007/s11368-021-02926-x. (SCIIF3.3)

(11)      Zhang, M., Shen, L., Shi, J., Chen, L., Luo, Y., Sun, J., Fan, D., Hara, S. and Bao, Z.* 2021.  Pseudomonas pratensis sp. nov., Isolated from Grassland Soil from Inner Mongolia, China. Current Microbiology, 2021, 78:789–795. DOI:10.1007/s00284-020-02296-6. (SCIIF2.2)

(12)      Liu, J.M., Bao, Z.H.*, Cao, W.W., Han, J.J., Zhao, J., Kang, Z.Z., Wang, L.X. and Zhao, J.* 2020. Enrichment of Type I Methanotrophs with nirS Genes of Three Emergent Macrophytes in a Eutrophic Wetland in China, Microbes and Environments 35:1. DOI:10.1186/s13568-020-00984-x. (SCIIF2.4)  

(13)      Cui, J., Zhao, J.*, Wang, Z., Cao, W., Zhang, S., Liu, J. and Bao, Z.* 2020. Diversity of active root-associated methanotrophs of three emergent plants in a eutrophic wetland in northern China, AMB express 10:48. DOI:10.1186/s13568-020-00984-x. (SCIIF3.3) 

(14)      陈淋霞,张 萌,石佳佳,包智华*. CARD-FISH技术在根系微生物中的研究进展, 生物学杂志,2021, 38(2): 89-94.

(15)      陈淋霞,张 萌,石佳佳,张笛,郭永,包智华*. 氧化菌耐砷机制及其砷染修复用的研究,微生物学通报,202047(9): 3054−3064.

(16)      石佳佳,齐天翊,张 萌,陈淋霞,包智华*,自制酵素中乳酸菌群动态分析及对重金属的吸附积累特性,食品与发酵工业, 2021, 47(1):14-20.

(17)      Yoneyama, T.*, Terakado-Tonooka, J., Bao, Z. and Minamisawa, K.*  2019. Molecular Analyses of the Distribution and Function of Diazotrophic Rhizobia and Methanotrophs in the Tissues and Rhizosphere of Non-Leguminous Plants, Plants 8, 408; doi:10.3390/plants8100408. (SCI三区, IF: 2.63)

(18)      Shinoda, R., Bao, Z., Minamisawa, K. 2019. CH4 oxidation-dependent 15N2 fixation in rice roots in a low-nitrogen paddy field and in Methylosinus sp. strain 3S-1 isolated from the roots. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 132, 40-46. (SCI, IF: 7.6)

(19)      袁浩,卢梦涵,刘宏伟,刘菊梅,包苏如古嘎,何倩,李海波,赵吉,包智华*. 矿区复合污染土壤真菌多样性及其对稀土-重金属离子的吸附特征, 微生物学报,2019. 5910: 40-46.

(20)      刘姣姣,刘菊梅,张 笛,木其尔,袁 浩,赵吉,郭 永,太田宽行,包智华*,林杆菌SK200a-9的重金属铊积累与钾离子的关系,微生物学杂志,2019. 395):57-63.

(21)      Bao, Z., Shinoda, R., Minamisawa, K.* 2016. Draft genome sequence of Methylosinus sp. strain 3S-1, an isolate from rice root in a low N paddy field. Genome announcements 4.

(22)      Minamisawa K., Imaizimi-Anraku H., Bao Z., Shinoda R., Okubo T., Ikeda S., Are symbiotic methanotrophs key microbes for N2 fixation in paddy rice root? Microbes and Environments 2016. 31(1), 4-10. (SCI, IF: 2.23).

(23)      Masuda, S., Bao, Z., Okubo, T., Sasaki, K., Ikeda, S., Shinoda, R., Anda, M., Kondo, R., Mori, Y. and Minamisawa, K.* 2016. Sulfur fertilization changes community structure of rice-root-and soil-associated bacteria. Microbes and Environments 31(1), 70-75. (SCI, IF: 2.23)

(24)      Matsushita, Y., Bao, Z., Kurose, D., Okada, H., Takemoto, S., Sawada, A., Nagase, H., Takano, M., Murakami, H., Koitabashi, M., Yoshida, S., Saito, M., Sano, T. and Tsushima, S. 2015. Community structure, diversity, and species dominance of bacteria, fungi, and nematodes from naturally and conventionally farmed soil: a case study on Japanese apple orchards. Organic Agriculture 5:11-28.

(25)      Matsushita, Y., Yamamura, K., Morimoto, S., Bao, Z., Kurose, D., Sato, I., Yoshida, S. and Tsushima, S. 2015. Analysis of variations in band positions for normalization in across-gel denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Journal of Microbiological Methods 112:11-20. (SCI, IF:2.1).

(26)      Bao, Z., Okubo, T., Kubota, K., Kasahara, Y., Tsurumaru, H., Anda, M., Ikeda, S. and Minamisawa, K.* 2014. Metaproteomic Identification of Diazotrophic Methanotrophs, and their Tissue Localization in Field-grown Rice Roots. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 80(16):5043-5052. (SCI, IF: 3.95) *被该杂志选为亮点文章(http://aem.asm.org/content/80/16/4787.full)

(27)      Bao, Z., Watanabe, A., Sasaki, K., Okubo, T., Tokida, T., Liu, D., Ikeda, S., Imaizumi-Anraku, H., Asakawa, S., Sato, T., Mitsui, H. and Minamisawa, K.* 2014. A rice gene for microbial symbiosis, OsCCaMK, reduces CH4 flux in a paddy field with low nitrogen input.  Applied and Environmental Microbiology 80(6): 1995-2003. (SCI, IF: 3.95)  *被该杂志选为亮点文章(http://aem.asm.org/content/80/6/1809.full)

(28)      Okubo T., Tokida T., Ikeda S., Bao Z., Tago K., Hayatsu M., Nakamura H., Sakai H., Usui Y., Hayashi K., Hasegawa T., Minamisawa K.* 2014. Effects of elevated carbon dioxide, elevated temperature, and rice growth stage on the community structure of rice root–associated bacteria. Microbes and Environments 29(2):180-190. (SCI, IF:2.44)

(29)      Ikeda, S., Sasaki, K., Okubo, T., Yamashita, A., Terasawa, K., Bao, Z., Liu, D., Watanabe, T., Murase, J., Asakawa, S., Eda, S., Mitsui, H., Sato, T. and Minamisawa, K.* 2014. Low nitrogen fertilization adapts rice root microbiome to low nutrient environment by changing biogeochemical functions. Microbes and Environments 29(1): 50-59 (SCI, IF:2.44)

(30)      Bao Z., Y. Sato, R. Fujimura and H. Ohta*. Alsobacter metallidurans gen. nov., sp. nov., a thallium-tolerant bacterium in the order Rhizobiales. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 201464(3):775-80. (SCI, IF:2.1)

(31)      Bao Z., K. Sasaki, T. Okubo, S. Ikeda, E. Hanzawa, K. Kakizaki, T. Sato, H. Mitsui, K. Minamisawa*. Impact of Azospillium sp. B510 inoculation on rice-associated bacterial community in paddy field. Microbes and Environments, 2013, 28(4):487–490. (SCI, IF:2.44)

(32)      包智华,南泽 . 地球温暖化和土壤微生物特集-水稻根圈的甲烷氧化, 生物科学遗传, New Technology New Science出版 (单行本), 2013, 67:596-600. (日文) 第一作者

(33)      南泽 究,包智华,板仓 . 作物根圈的微生物与氮素的相互作用. 2013, 土壤微生物 67: 49-53. (日文)

(34)      Bao, Z., Matsushita, Y., Morimoto, S., Hoshino, Y.T., Suzuki, C., Nagaoka, K., Takenaka, M., Murakami, H., Kuroyanagi, Y., Urashima, Y., Sekiguchi, H., Kushida, A., Toyota, K., Saito, M. and Tsushima, S.* 2013. Decrease in fungal biodiversity along an available phosphorous gradient in arable Andosol soils in Japan. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 59(6): 368–373. (SCI, IF:1.119)

(35)      Okubo T., T. Tsukui, H. Maita, S. Okamoto, K. Oshima, T. Fujisawa, A. Saito, H. Futamata, R. Hattori, Y. Shimomura, S. Haruta, S. Morimoto, Y. Wang, Y. Sakai, M. Hattori, S. Aizawa, K.V.P. Nagashima, S. Masuda, T. Hattori, A. Yamashita, Z. Bao, K. Minamisawa* et al. 2012. Complete Genome Sequence of Bradyrhizobium sp. S23321: Insights into Symbiosis Evolution in Soil Oligotrophs. Microbes and Environments 27(3):306-315. (SCI, IF:2.44)

(36)      Bao, Z., Ikunaga, Y., Matsushita, Y., Morimoto, S., Takada-Hoshino, Y., Okada, H., Oba, H., Takemoto, S., Niwa, S., Ohigashi, K., Suzuki, C., Nagaoka, K., Takenaka, M., Urashima, Y., Sekiguchi, H., Kushida, A., Toyota, K., Saito, M. and Tsushima, S.* 2012. Combined analyses of bacterial, fungal and nematode communities in Andosolic agricultural soils in Japan. Microbes and Environments 27(1): 72-79. (SCI, IF:2.44)

(37)      松下裕子, 森本晶, 包智华, 对马 诚也*. DGGE凝胶做成时温度对条带线变形的影响,土壤微生物,2010, 64:107-112. (日文)

(38)      包智华, 对马 诚也*. 回归木分析在土壤微生物生态研究中的应用, 土壤微生物, 2009, 63: 39-44. (日文)

(39)      Bao, Z., Sato, Y., Kubota, M. and Ohta, H.* 2006. Isolation and characterization of thallium-tolerant bacteria from heavy metal-polluted river sediment and non-polluted soils, Microbes and Environments 21(4): 251-260.



(1)  Bao zhihua, Sato Yoshinori, Kubota Masatsugu, Ohta Hiroyuki (2006). Isolation and characterization of thallium-resistant bacteria from thallium-contaminated sediment and unpolluted soils. International Society for Microbial Ecology (ISME)-11th, Abstract: A83, Vienna, Austria 2006

(2)  Kiwamu Minamisawa, Seishi Ikeda, Takashi Okubo, Mizue Anda, Kazuhiro Sasaki, Zhihua Bao, Tadashi Sato, Haruko Imaizumi-Anraku (2012) What does community analysis of plant-associated microbes tell us?  International Symposium—MPMI, S01 P9-10, Kyoto, Japan 2012

(3)  Seiya Tsushima, Yuko Matsushita, Zhihua Bao, Yoko Ikunaga, Haruka Nagase, Shigenobu Yoshida and Masanori Saito (2012). A environmental DNA Database for Agricultural Soils (eDDASs). FFTC-TUA International Seminar (Program and Papers), 203. Tokyo, Japan

(4)  Kiwamu Minamisawa, Zhihua Bao, Kenjiro Seki, Dongyan Liu, Susumu Asagawa et al., Rice methanotrophic diazotrophs as non-legume rhizobia. International Congress on Nitrogen Fixation (ICNF)-18th, Abstract, Miyazaki, Japan 2014. http://icnf18.brc.miyazaki-u.ac.jp/



1)在第30届(2015)日本微生物生态学年会上做邀请报告(2015.10.17-20),日本土浦市。题目:Methproteomic identification, localization and isolation of diazotrophic methanotrophs from field-grown rice roots






(1) 内蒙古科技厅:学研”高寒地区水稻绿色生提供科学依据” https://kjt.nmg.gov.cn/kjdt/gzdt/kjtgz/202108/t20210805_1797692.html

(2) 内蒙古日报社:高寒地区水稻绿色生产获得科学依据http://szb.northnews.cn/nmgrb/html/2021-08/17/content_31161_158058.htm

