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E-mail: zhaoyiming@imu.edu.cn







2022. 08-至今 古天乐代言太阳集团138,生态系,讲师

2017. 09-2022. 07 中国农业大学资源与环境学院,植物营养学硕博连读,博士

2013. 09-2017.06 南京农业大学资源与环境学院,农业资源与环境,学士




2)国家科技部支撑计划项目,设施菜田水碳氮调控综合管理的土壤保育技术,2017. 10-2018. 02,参与

3)国家自然基金重点国际合作项目,降低集约化设施蔬菜生产中施用氮肥对环境的影响,2018. 02-2020. 07,参与

4)国家自然基金项目,强还原土壤消毒对华北下沉式设施菜田氮转化和氮损失的影响机理,2020. 07-2022. 06,参与



1. Zhao Y., Lv H., Qasim W., Wan L., Wang Y.., Lian X, Liu Y., Hu J., Wang Z., Li G., Wang J., Lin S., Butterbach-Bahl K. 2021. Drip fertigation with straw incorporation significantly reduces N2O emission and N leaching while maintaining high vegetable yields in solar greenhouse production. Environmental Pollution 273, 116521.

2. Zhao Y., Lin S., Wan L., Qasim W., Hu J., Xue T., Lv H., Butterbach-Bahl K. 2021. Anaerobic soil disinfestation with incorporation of straw and manure significantly increases greenhouse gases emission and reduces nitrate leaching while increasing leaching of dissolved organic N. Science of the Total Environment 785, 147307.

3. Zhao Y., Lin S., Liu Y., Li G., Wang J., Butterbach-Bahl K. 2020. Application of mixed straw and biochar meets plant demand of carbon dioxide and increases soil carbon storage in sunken solar greenhouse vegetable production. Soil Use and Management 36, 439-448.

4. Zhao Y., Lin S., Wan L., Hu J., Xue T., Lv H., Butterbach-Bahl K. 2022. Increasing the environmental sustainability of greenhouse vegetable production by combining biochar application and drip fertigation—effects on soil N2O emissions and carbon sequestrations. Agronomy 12 (7), 1661.

5. Qasim W., Zhao Y., Wan L., Lv H., Lin S., Gettel G.M., Butterbach-Bahl K. 2022. The potential importance of soil denitrification as a major N loss pathway in intensive greenhouse vegetable production systems. Plant Soil 471.

6. Lv H., Zhao Y., Wang Y., Wan L., Wang J., Butterbach-Bahl K., Lin S. 2020. Conventional flooding irrigation and over fertilization drives soil pH decrease not only in the top- but also in subsoil layers in solar greenhouse vegetable production systems. Geoderma. 363:e114156.

7. Qasim W., Wan L., Lv H., Zhao Y., Hu J., Meng F., Lin S., Butterbach-Bahl K. 2022. Impact of anaerobic soil disinfestation on seasonal N2O emissions and N leaching in greenhouse vegetable production depends on amount and quality of organic matter additions. Science of The Total Environment 830, 154673.

8. Qasim W., Xia L., Lin S., Wan L., Zhao Y., Butterbach-Bahl K. 2021. Global greenhouse vegetable production systems are hotspots of soil N2O emissions and nitrogen leaching: A meta-analysis. Environmental Pollution 272, 116372.

9. Hu J., Gettel G., Fan Z., Lv H., Zhao Y., Yu Y., Wang J., Butterbach-Bahl K., Lin S. 2021. Drip fertigation promotes water and nutrient use efficiency and yield stability through improved root growth for tomatoes in intensive greenhouse production. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 313:107379.

10. Lv H., Lin S., Wang Y., Lian X., Zhao Y., Li Y., Du J., Wang Z., Wang J., Butterbach-Bahl K. 2019. Drip fertigation significantly reduces nitrogen leaching in solar greenhouse vegetable production system. Environmental Pollution. 245:694-701.